Returning to Azeroth and wondering what to play? This guide will help you choose the best class for DPS, tanking, and healing.
Best world pvp class spec hands down is SUB rogue and its not even close. 1v1 even with openers and duels is different. Spriest is disgusting when out ganking and jumping people but its not very good in bgs where you have to drink literally every 1v1 fight and drink every time you buff...
On this page, we explain how to easily play Shadow Priest in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7), using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc., without sacrificing performance. This section is intended for players who are new to the game or class, ...
World of Warcraft Forums Is Paladin hard to learn in Classic? WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Cratoss-frostmane May 29, 2019, 9:16am 1 So ive been debating for a while on what to play when Classic release and i am thinking to try playing a Paladin to become a healer in...
Getting started in Dragonflight, World of Warcraft's newest expansion, can be a bit tricky for new players. We've put together this guide to offer an overview of aspects of the game that new players are likely to encounter and might have questions about.
Choosing what class you want to be in World of Warcraft is probably the most important choice you will make about your character. Unlike races - which can be changed for a fee - classes are permanent, and cannot be changed once a character has been creat
There are often moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes and secondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs. I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushing the boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first and Europe first ...
World of Warcraft has been around for nearly two decades, and in that time, the game has introduced a wide variety of classes, each with its own unique strengths, playstyles, and appeal.
World of Warcraftis celebratingHearthstone’s10th birthday from March 11 to May 14, and of course you can play a round of two of the card game in Azeroth. Recommended Videos As soon as you log in while the event is active, you’ll get a mail inviting you to start the celebration in...
World of Warcraft Classic Best Warlock Build Best Affliction Warlock Build We consider this a solid choice for players interested in the Warlock Class, mostly because of its ability to be effective be used in PVP and PVE (Dungeons and Raids). However, it’s a little weaker on the PVP side...