Name Generator conjures up a diverse range of dark and foreboding names that will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies and leave a lasting impression on your fellow players. Whether you are role-playing in-game or creating fan fiction, the World of Warcraft Annihilan Name Generator is...
Chill your foes with our World of Warcraft Blue Dragon Name Generator. Ideal for creating names that reflect the Blue Dragonflight's command over magic and frost.
While a dwarf prefers to plan forward to overcome challenges, many of them easily lose their temperament and self-restraint when exposed to conditions stirring their feelings and concerns. In past ages, the dwarves rarely left the safety of their mountain fortresses, spending their time on ...
World of Warcraft is an incredibly complex game. On top of all the mechanics and how they interact with stats like Crit, Haste, Versatility, and Mastery, there are RNG elements built into the game that will drastically change your DPS output from attempt to attempt, even without changing the...
❮Two For Twenty❯ 提克迪奧斯 首初幻靈面盔 298 無限飛行天然寶石 291 首初幻靈肩甲 278 泰坦夢境披氅 278 附魔:+20耐力和+30汲取 團結 291 附魔:主要屬性+30 黑鐵外袍 1 碎臟者護腕 294 首初幻靈護手 附魔:+15力量 304 赤紅符文護腰 291 ...
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Burning Crusade Classic, and WoW Classic.
I have run Btex for some time now and finally decided to make my own art for it. I browsed the web and found a nice art set to mess with. I tweaked it and got the Alphas the way I wanted them, this is one of a few different ones I tried. Figured if I am going to upload ...
Hellfire (not channeled, make it cost 5% of health, lasts for 8 seconds) 12 second CD Destro tree: Shadowburn, as like a first pick talent. Internal combustion (also works with shadowburn) Legion staff portals Portal/Gateway damaging abilities ...
332物品等級 70矮人元素 薩滿 ❮Elegance❯ 銀月 狂怒風暴罩盔 385 災變飾環 252 縛夢肩衛 402 阿卡利罩氅 309 颶風鎖子甲 252 幸運外衣 1 狂怒風暴護腕 385 操龍者護手 366 縛夢繫腰 402 冰凍森林褶裙 366 狂怒風暴行靴 385 逆王戒指 309 ...
Stoneform is a pretty significant advantage over Shadowmeld in PvP, and 9 Agility, while less significant, is still constant, and is objectively more DPS that a Dwarf can never have. Mogar: 1 agility gives 2 AP… Both are true. They get 1 melee AP per point of Agility, and 2 ranged...