Below is the list of Warcraft and World of Warcraft novels. There are 30 novels in total, 7 part of the Warcraft series and 23 part of the World of Warcraft one. There are also two Warcraft movie novels.
However, knowing where to start reading Warcraft books can be intimidating. This is especially true for the World of Warcraft books, which now span over 20 different novels and collections. If you want to read all of the Warcraft books in order, here’s where to start....
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from thedisaster,the renowned sorceress Lady Jaina Proudmoore continues herlongstruggle to mend relations between the Horde and the Alliance.Yetof late, escalating tensions have pushed the two factions closertoopen war, threatening to destroy what little stability remainsinthe World of Warcraft. Dark...
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《World of Warcraft: Cycle of Hatred[仇恨之轮]》作者:Simon & Schuster US,出版社:2006年12月 第1版,ISBN:56.90。TheBurningLegionhasbeendefeated,andeasternregionso