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This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.Tyrande Whisperwind grew up together with the two male night elf twins, Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage, in the kaldorei city of Suramar, the city of her birth.[9] The three were inseparable, playing in...
Third WarThis section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.Armed with his Verdant Spheres, Kael'thas became a blood mage.Kael'thas' sword, Felo'melorn, as an Artifact.Kael'thas, Rommath, and Astalor destroy the corrupted Sunwell.... WCM Network: MOVIES MACHINIMA HALL OF FAME MORE Upload Movie Promotional Material You can use these short promo clips in your movies. You will get a free Premium account upgrade for each movie you submit which contains any of the following clips. You will have a better chan...
A number of pandaren were visiting the dwarves of Bael Modan when the call came to the Alliance to prevent the blood elf and naga army traveling to Northrend. To honor their hosts, the pandaren visitors joined the fight. It was during this battle that they formed most of their opinions ...
Being bitten by or drinking the blood of a worgen transmits the worgen curse and causes humans and night elves to be transformed into one. After the transformation, those that are overcome by rage and guilt gradually lose all vestiges of their former lives and turn mindless. By controlling ...
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.Some months before the Cataclysm, Cairne Bloodhoof traveled to Warsong Hold to meet with Garrosh. It was revealed that Saurfang would remain within the hold as part of the Horde's Northrend skeleton crew ...
Night Elf / Dwarf / Orc / Tauren / Troll ”Rexxar & Misha, The heroes of the horde” bySergey Avtushenko The hunter is a unique class in World of Warcraft because it is primarily a ranged attacker. To support the hunter’s ranged attacks, this class has two main advantages: a loyal...
Part of the Fight is Defense The world of Terraria is dominated by many things. Monsters roam the lands, bosses creep around every corner, and even normal nights can turn into chaos with the rise of a Blood Moon. With all of the dangers, is there anything to protect yourself? The Terrar...