You can either pay a month at a time or you choose to subscribe for longer which will work out slightly cheaper. 1-month subscription: £9.99/€12.99/$14.99 3-month subscription: £28.17/€35.97/$41.97 6-month subscription: £52.14/€65.94/$77.94 World of Warcraft is 15 years old:...
Catch up on all the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week—embrace the spirit of spring with May's Trading Post, take a dive into Norhrend Cup, mark your calendars for the next content update for Dragonflight—Dark Heart, learn more about the Cataclysm Classic Pre-Expansion, an...
There comes a time in everyWorld of Warcraftplayer’s life when they feel the need to cancel theirWoWsubscription. It might be because they no longer have the time to commit to the grind, or they’ve finished all the content in the latest expansion and are waiting for the next one. Rec...
Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire PC CN¥116.89 Buy Now Information NOTE: 30-day Subscription can only be activated on new game accounts only Get instant download of World of Warcraft Battle Chest on PC/Mac with The top 3 reasons to play World of Warcraft Delve into the world of...
Is the six-monthWorld of Warcraftsubscription worth it? Although I can never commit to asix-month sub, this is, by far,the best value optionfor any dedicated player. Not only are you spending less money forWoWsub but you also get an amazing mount and a pet to go with it. If you’...
aWorld of Warcraft took Best Subscription MMO, beating Rift and Eve Online. One of PC Gamer’s faves – Minecraft – was awarded Best Downloadable Game. We’ll have Notch’s acceptance speech on the site as soon as possible.[translate]...
[Account Name (region)] – World of Warcraft Subscription – [1,3,6,12 Month] (Update Payment Method) :Alert: Removing this payment method will cancel your subscription(s). Are you sure you want to remove [Payment Method] The (Update Payment Method) part of this warning mess...
Subscription To play beyond free-to-play limitations, a subscription is required as a real money purchase in 1, 3, 6 and 12 month increments. The subscription includes access to World of Warcraft and WoW Classic. Subscription time can be earned in-game via the WoW Token.DLC...
Blizzard has released a new 12-month World of Warcraft subscription offer, which includes three new mounts: the Gargantuan Grrloc ground mount, Telix the Stormhorn flying mount, and the upcoming Lunar New Year mount.
Have trial accounts been shut out of Warband Bank access? I do not see this limitation listed in the restrictions on trial accounts. My subscription ran out of time today, and my level 20 characters get an error when t…