Due to per-tank normalization, light tanks and SPGs are now more fairly compared to other tank types in WN8 (they received lower WN7 than other tank types). Despite not being able to use spotting damage, WN8 expects less damage of light tanks, while WN7 expected the same as other tank...
World Of Tanks EU accountThread Status: Not open for further replies.Make Offer Trxon 0 0 0 Offline Joined: 7/30/21 Posts: 1 Likes Received: 0 My Location: View Price $: 40 Buy Now STATS: Battles: 3511 WN8: 1614,65 Winrate 51.3% Credits: 4.964.614 Free Experience: 1.441...
WN8 (skill rating; the higher, the better), number of battles played, and more are displayed in-game, providing a real-time heads-up on the challenges of the match. You may want to target the enemy’s biggest bully to show off your skill, ...
- the 9 colors rating scale replaced with the 11 colors one (this is the new and official WN8 scale made by Wotlabs.net) - removed switch for rating XWN6 and WN6 5 Aslain 34.2k Server: EU Author Administrator Posted August 6, 2014 v3.8.6 (05-08-2014): - updated XVM-5.3....
Tanks Top Speed Damage Log Minimap Hp circle Kill Cross Informer Arty Minimap Sights Daily Battle Log Auto Aim Informer Rating Colors Change Colors inREBIRTH Border Color Tank Outline Can Change 28 Colors inREBIRTH Battle Wn8 Efficiency Player Panel ...
The raid team is currently 8/10H Castle Nathria. However, we are looking for more members that would like to venture into mythic raiding. More specifically, we’re looking for the following; 1 potential tank for raid (current spots full atm but always need tanks for mythic plus/pvp) any ...
Choose a showerhead which has a high energy star rating Using energy savers and solar panels can help conserve energy as well. Solar panels not only provide electricity but the heat generated can also be used to warm water tanks as well. If solar panels are not an option, you can choose...