I noticed the unflushable War Thunder has once again risen to the top of the forum, so I thought I might as well mention that the *good* tank game, World of Tanks, has somehow just been updated to version 1.0. The last 7.5 years have seemingly been a beta, and now they've finally...
We are making more Tanks and train more Soldiers, also Russians when they are 18 they have to go Military for 5 years. We also advance in Ukraine. Diplomacy: China: We make you to Co-Leader of BRIC Iran: We make you also to Co-Leader of BRIC ISIS: We won't interfere and...
本期通行证的主要奖励为 M46 巴顿中型坦克——巴顿系列是法国自行研制的 AMX 30 主战坦克入役前在法国陆军中服役的最后一款外国装备。作为美制坦克在法兰西的最后绝唱,它们绝对算得上是最后的外籍军团战士! 登录游戏、完成每日任务以及解决赛季挑战即可获得通行证奖励!每一等级更有包括贴花、装饰挂件、个人头像、赛季...
本期通行证的主要奖励为 M46 巴顿中型坦克——巴顿系列是法国自行研制的 AMX 30 主战坦克入役前在法国陆军中服役的最后一款外国装备。作为美制坦克在法兰西的最后绝唱,它们绝对算得上是最后的外籍军团战士! 登录游戏、完成每日任务以及解决赛季挑战即可获得通行证奖励!每一等级更有包括贴花、装饰挂件、个人头像、赛季...