T54 Heavy Tank装备 乘员 可用补给品 可用配件装备 悬挂 T54 炮塔 T54 火炮 120 mm T124 发动机 Continental AV-1790-5B-3 电台 AN/GRC-8 等级 9 耐久度:血量 1 700 车体装甲 254 / 76.2 / 38.1 炮塔装甲 254 / 76.2 / 76.2 速度上限 36 / 15 穿深...
YVIII M54 RenegadeVIII M6A2E1VIII T-832VIII T26E5VIII T26E5 PatriotVIII T32VIII T32MVIII T34VIII T34 BVIII T77VIII TS-54VIII AE Phase IIX Concept 1BIX M-VI-YIX M103IX M103MIX RamboIX T54 Heavy TankIX T54E1IX TS-6IX M-V-YX MBT-BX StingerX T110E5X T110E5 CLX T57 Heavy ...
T54 Heavy Tank: НОВЫЙПРЕМ... Гдебарабан? TommiAndgello - МирТанков / World of Tanks 0 人观看 2 个月前 YouTube2:18 Мирный-13: ПотеряннаяНадежда TommiAndgello - МирТанков / World of Tanks 0 人观看 3 ...
T95 | Super Heavy Tank T28 | Garage | Building | LED 1/35 | What-If? (4) Snow Diorama Sd.Kfz. 251 | Building | Snow1/35 | WW2 (5) Waterfall Diorama Waterfall | Natural | Water1/35 | Vietnam War | 1969 Facebook johannes pambudi (1) MERKAVA Mk.3D Early MERKAVA Mk.3D...
We are proud to announce the start of the long anticipated closed beta testing of the World War gaming mode. The first War Thunder squadrons invited to test the new gameplay this Tuesday, July 11th. We will be sending new invites for squadrons that have applied for World War CBT before a...
Heavy Tanks VIII T77 Add to comparison Premium Vehicles A project of an American tank developed in the mid-1950s based on the mass-produced M48 tank with elements of the T54 tank. A few turrets were built. In 1957, due to constant changes in requirements and protracted delays in developmen...