When you improve a crew member's Crew Efficiency and train additional perks, they become more effective, which significantly improves the battle performance of the vehicle.Crew Efficiency Crew Efficiency is a parameter which determines the crew effectiveness in battle. It is set to 100% for all ...
01 "C'était un des nôtres!" "On a tué un allié!" "Nous avons détruit un de nos véhicules!" "On a touché un allié!" 02 "Munitions touchées, on a de la chance qu'elles n'aient pas explosées!" x3 "Le râtelier de munitions est touché, on recharge moins vite!" ...
Since it costs 200 gold to train a crew to 100%, then this business of retraining your crew for a each new vehicle is an expensive affair. Everytime you upgrade your vehicle, you need to retrain your crew for 200 gold, or for free which will cost you to lose 20% skill points. One...
So if you're wondering what's all the gibberish your crew is telling you, then here's what the crew voices mean:- Shot Bounced We didn't even scratch them! That one didn't go through! We didn't penetrate their armor! It bounced off! That one ricocheted! Ricochet. We've just ding...
World of Tanks and Commanders: Directed by Bruce Vigar. With Patrick Pearson. Since its debut on the battlegrounds of World War I to the contemporary era, the tank has evolved into a crucial component of modern warfare. This documentary navigates the tan
When deciding what to teach your Crew, it’s important to consider if you’ll see the benefits of that choice immediately with a Skill or can stomach waiting for the effects of a Perk to kick in after running a few battles. Exceptions to the Rule ...
St_Thanos创建的收藏夹St_Thanos内容:坦克世界F系车组成员语音 World of Tanks French crew voices,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
On this page you would learn about general rules and priciples of WOT. Pay attention on this article with thematical guides and play online military mmo game about tanks on pc.
Skins - Crew Uploaded: 03 Sep 2024 Last Update: 03 Sep 2024 Author: BlueDemon167 at World of Tanks Uploader: TheyTasteLikeBlueberries This mod replaces the faces of the first 6 crew members- (from left to right) -with images of these blue demons. (these changes are done only to th...
With crew skills, tank repair, and damage mechanics, players adapt to challenging missions and high-stakes combat. World of Tanks offers PvP battles on global servers with destructible environments, where players capture objectives, win battles, and build teamwork to achieve battlefield dominance. ...