坦克歼击车 Semovente M41VSemovente M43 BassottoVISemovente Controcarro mod. 1956VIISMV CC-64 ViperaVIIISemovente Controcarro mod. 1964VIII_#european_vehicles:cz20_shptk_tvp_100VIIIControcarro 1 Mk. 2IXControcarro 3 MinotauroX
The VIII SMV CC-64 Vipera is the perfect vehicle for any battle scenario, thanks to its strong armor and powerful gun with a two-shell magazine and autoreloading system. The SMV Vipera doesn't boast high speed, so when in doubt, it's best to team up with allies. With their support,...
BlitzStars EU BlitzStars Detailed player & tank statistics for World of Tanks: Blitz Become a BlitzStars Supporter! Go ad-free + more More info New! Hall of Fame Season 6 started!. Don't forget to turn on your replays!Stahlmannn [XBXBX] (eu) Last battle 10h 10m ago0...