" Hawg's Arty Tactical Minimap's ". Some of the top WOT ClansDONTwant you to see or have this Most good players use the minimap as a major tool in battle .So I took from these web sites "Maps Tactics" & "Guru maps" and other Discrete web sites. They show the best place to set...
Hold the left or right side of the screen to head in that direction. Double-tap to start running, and automatically leap on reaching a platform’s edge. Two thumbs are also all you need to clamber up vertical surfaces, wall jump, and obliterate enemies using giant yellow tanks they’ve ...
When you're in a arty the stock minimap has been changed by adding a cross-hair . Most good arty players use the minimap as a major tool in battle. This mod will allow you to pinpoint your target faster while the crosshairs are moving across the map.This advantage will make the ...
Hold the left or right side of the screen to head in that direction. Double-tap to start running, and automatically leap on reaching a platform’s edge. Two thumbs are also all you need to clamber up vertical surfaces, wall jump, and obliterate enemies using giant yellow tanks they’ve ...