This series is not like your typical Kdrama series! The plot is unique and will leave you intrigued as to what will happen next. Actress & actors are amazing! The series will make you think about class & gender issues as well as marriage of course. Helpful•14 4 ...
@4evrkdramaand@Lmangladid you manage to collect the stamp in the corresponding thread? Once you guess the drama, you can find the location in the drama thread couldn't find the stamp. where in the drama thread are we supposed to look? the drama has 1000+ pages. back in the day, wh...
This party sequence is ghastly, and feels almost like part two of the infamous birthday party scene that opened our drama so manyulcersepisodes ago. It’s full of pomp, lies, and fake people. I didn’t think Gosan was too terrible before, but now I’m convinced that the most awful, g...
I’m a huge sucker for dramas that are realistic, slice-of-life and bonus points if the main character is a kick-ass female whom I can relate to. So of course when I saw that kfangurl was raving about Search WWW, I knew I had found the drama for which I can unwind to. To be...
More than a noona romance, Romance Is A Bonus Book is a Kdrama with heart. A rom-com that’s more than the romance, but about the struggles of being a woman. I was looking out for a new drama to start on Netflix since I had just completed an assignment from uni and was in need...