GSE官方YouTube Channel: GSE官方微博专页 : GSE官方微信公众号:HK_GSE 产品资讯 游戏名称:《World of Goo™ 2》 开发商:2DBOY 亚洲及日本发行商:Game Source Entertainment 游戏类型:多人益智冒险游戏 游玩人数:【线下(TV/桌...
Game Source Entertainment (GSE) 宣布,由独立游戏工作室2DBOY 时隔十六年倾力开发的多人益智冒险游戏《World of Goo™》系列续集《World of Goo™ 2》将推出Nintendo Switch™ 亚洲实体版,预定于2024 年11 月28 日正式发售,现已开始接受预订。你是不是觉得物理原理难以理解,不知道怎么开始《World of Goo™...
Game Source Entertainment (GSE) 宣布,预定于2024年11月28日推出由独立游戏工作室2DBOY 开发的多人益智冒险游戏《World of Goo™ 2》Nintendo Switch ™️亚洲实体版,现已开始接受预订。 《World of Goo™ 2》是一部益智解谜类冒险游戏,玩家将操作充满黏性的奇妙生物「Goo」来架起桥梁、建设高塔、改变地形...
Long after World of Goo Corporation disappeared and goo ball populations depleted, humanity struggles to find a reliable new source of energy. After having been isolated in space for so long, you receive a mysterious distress signal from a world no one knows about. Upon landing your rocket howe...
GooTool is a utility to extend your World of Goo experience, enabling you to install new levels and mods to provide further gameplay, and to view and share your World of Goo accomplishments. Features Profiles - View your profiles, view your tower image and stats, backup and restore your prof...
World of Goo Towers by Watching Youtube NameUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time YoloThu, 05/28/2020 - 12:2327.66m1,0712 days 11 hours Addins by Watching Youtube Sep01 The Wheel Tower Originally for Gooey Goo's level contest. I posted it here because the contest was closed. ...
2D Boy and Tomorrow Corporation are coming back for one more run, with World of Goo 2 being announced and it looks glorious. They also note it's the biggest game we've ever made.
See and the links Pavke included. my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment Login to post comments thB Says: Tue, 09/22/2009 - 19:17 Done in 2 moves. Imo this is the minimum. It was annoying indeed....
it crashes when installing a level to your Custom World Of Goo, and it will only use mods when you launch the game through GooTool, having to re-install them each tile. now, not that i am saying GooTool doesn't work, it's actually really useful. but, it just doesn't work with ...
Author:Watching Youtube Total downloads: 605 Latest version: 1.1 Release date: 12/15/2019 - 00:45 Install Now with GooTool How do I install a goomod? Overall rating Average: 4.333335 Your rating:NoneAverage:4.3(3votes) Difficulty rating ...