名称:World of Goo 类型:独立 开发商:2D BOY 发行商:2D BOY 发行日期:2008 年 10 月 13 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 购买World of Goo ¥ 50.00 添加至购物车 购买The Tomorrow Corporation Collection捆绑包(?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 4 个项目立省 10%!
游戏名:World of Goo 粘粘世界 语言:简体中文 版本:标准版 平台:Steam (PC) Steam商店链接:https://store.steampowered.com/app/22000/World_of_Goo/ 粘粘世界(World of Goo)是一个基于物理并取得多项大奖的益智/建筑游戏,一律游戏部分仅由两个家伙制作。拖放那些活蹦乱跳的、扭来扭去的和叽叽喳喳的粘...
This is the main theme of World of Goo, and the first chunk of music I wrote for the game, specifically for our first trailer. I wanted the theme of the game to somehow reflect the song Libertango by Astor Piazzolla, which was the track I used in the original Tower of Goo prototype ...
Tweets by @steamcharts All data ispowered by Steam. Not affiliated with Valve in any way. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Our goal is to provide unique insight into gaming trends. © steamcharts.com...
Why is it on Epic and not on Steam? World of Goo 2 would not exist if Epic had not helped us fund the game! We were able to hire artists and engineers for multiple years to help us build the biggest game we've ever made. We're grateful for this! You've likely seen similar ...
Steam Support Home > Games and Applications > World of Goo Sign in to your Steam account to review purchases, account status, and get personalized help. Sign in to Steam Help, I can't sign in World of Goo View in Store Sign in to get personalized help for World of Goo. ...
《World of Goo》是一款前所未見的遊戲(除了其原型作品《Tower of Goo》,但我們就不要拘泥於此了。) 這款作品之所以令人驚豔,其獨特的遊戲機制功不可沒:動態小球靠近彼此時會相互結合,形成可以移動的堅固結構,同時其他小球仍可持續移動。而這絕不是它能成功的唯一原因,同樣令人著迷的還有使眾人...
steam正版与我们以前玩的版本存在极大出入,所以会有部分关卡样式、难度和OCD条件改变,且关卡箭头被3D化 第一大关右下角水池里多出来的关卡(据传言是第六大关入口)在steam正版被阉割 关于本视频 粘粘世界是由2Dboy于2008年10月13日制作的一款游戏,一直是诸多00后95后的回忆,我本人也是出于为童年补票才来到了steam...
Can you guys release the game on steam ? because I was one of the 1.3% of people who played this game since childhood and got all the hard achievements on Steam. KyleGray says: August 2, 2024 at 9:25 am World of Goo 2 would not exist if Epic had not helped us fund the game...
本吧热帖: 1-全ocd,我尽力了。(第三张的轴是认真的?)? 2-【庆祝】第三个轮子(The Third Wheel)0步视频录制成功 3-【磁铁出版社】World Of Goo饭制新章-Lost In Paradise剧情翻译 4-【庆祝】世界纪录(?) 第三个轮子0步 5-wog玩多了有什么后遗症? 6-【新人必看】粘