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Apply here: needs:Ranged: Warlock/Boomy highly preferedHealer: Disc/Holy High priority (Also accepting rDruid, Shaman, MW)Other exceptional DPS may be consideredOur current recruitment needs are for our MAIN roster, not as a bench roster.We ...
prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.
Lagging Balls: a community-focused Blizzard & World of Warcraft Podcast. For the people. By some people. Episode 191, hosted by Thorn and Thyst: “How to Chow!” Get the “uncensored version” of Thyst’s Brewfest activities. Also, boobs. Like, an intro full of ’em. For real. Also...
fun group of people to push dungeon keys, raid content, leveling content, or even non-WoW games. During the day most folks are doing their real life thing, but in the evenings it gets really active in-game. Our discord tends to be busy all day with all types of memes and fun as we...
Our discord tends to be busy all day with all types of memes and fun as well. Apply Here: please contact one of our officers with questions: Ginobili#11863 (Weekday) Azsh#1103 (Weekend) DoctorBanjo#1964 (Weekday) Thanks and good luck!
There are some players here that are amazing, and could easily join an 8/8M guild - but they stay because the atmosphere we’ve created here is really fun and as you said “full of all the memes.” From reading your post, I got the vibe that this is something you are interested in...
Exceptional applications for any class will be considered regardless of the above, we’re recruiting raiders, not just their class! How to Apply: Please fill out an application through google docs Reach out to a recruiting officer with questions Aaemon#1798 or Evolutious#11726Ur...
Next steps: Complete and submit an application (Bear Force One Raid Team) - Join the guild’s Discord server: For more information contact: Dankmemes#11582 ( Makinbears#6969 (discord) Kassle <No Pressure> 48 posts ...
TO APPLY VISIT : Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns! Officer Contact info : GM / Raid Lead : Bnet - Kisshot#1230 Galorina <Shade> 418 posts 60 Blood Elf Priest 29425 Aug 2019 Hi Wrynne, my guild is currently in need of 1 heal...