After that little flashback, it’s time to examine more recent additions to White Wolf’s lineup. New World of Darkness changed up a few things, including doing away with backgrounds and replacing them with something called “merits“. Merits include social benefits like Allies and Resources, ...
Creation World Anvil Sheets One-Sheet World of Darkness One-Sheets Vampire 20th Sheet Main Action Merits Disciplines Personal Connections Gear Goals Conditions XP Supernatural Full Sheet Anchors Name Sarris Concept: Enforcer Player Graylion Chronicle Miami by Night Template Vampire Blank ...
“Bringing IP development in-house is one of the many reasons why the World of Darkness team hired me and I’m thrilled to take on this responsibility. I’ll be working with handpicked teams to set the lore, atmosphere, and tone that players ...
Welcome to a World of Darkness... "..The Prince of Los Angeles was starting to have second thoughts. And for good reason. He'd branched off from the rest of the Camarilla and come to the City of Angels in hopes of carving domain for himself. After the rest of his sect had declared...
•Abroadanddetailedlistingof everyweapon,vehicleorpieceof equipmentacharactermightneed intheWorldofDarkness •OptionalrulesandnewMeritsthat reflectcombatstylessuitableforthe weaponscontainedwithin •Ahardwarecompanionto Vampire,WerewolfandMage chronicles Forusewiththe WorldofDarknessRulebook tm ClaytonOliver-keith...
Physical Skills:Athletics 2 (Running), Drive 1, Stealth 2 (Moving in the Darkness), Survival 3 Social Skills:Intimidation 1, Persuasion 1, Socialize 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4 (Spotting Lies) Merits:Pyrokinesis 5 (see below), Pyrokinetic Immunity 2 (see below) ...
17 thoughts on “World of Darkness: Hurt Locker Outline” Eolirin February 2, 2015 at 2:53 am Did the section on the Integrity revamp get removed? There’s still a reference to it in the outline, under merits, but I don’t see a header for it. Is this being moved to nWoD2e?
Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at if critical hotfixes are to be requested. - roll20-character-sheets/CWorldofDarkness/CWoD.html at master · alberto-aresu/roll20-character-sheets
//.theonyxpath ForUsewith theWorldof Darkness ® Rulebook 150 appendix-WorldofdarknessRulesRevisions NotonlydoesGod playdice,buthe sometimesthrows themwherethey cannotbeseen —Stephen Hawking Appendix: Worldof DarknessRules Revisions Appendix: WorldofDarkness RulesRevisions NotonlydoesGodplay dice,buthe...
The construction is sanctimonious and pompous and misleading. The construction devalues the merits of Our righteous fury and instead champions the meekest and most docile among Us. The construction has long deemed protest to be noble and heroic and liberating and violent and contentious for some, ...