Oceans cover 71 percent of our planet and are home to more than half of the species living on Earth. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. World Oceans Day falls on June 8 and reminds us just how important a sustainable ocean is for all...
1联合国于第63届联合国大会上将每年的6月8日确定为“世界海洋日”(World OceansDay)。2020年,世界海洋日的主题为“为可持续海洋创新”。为维护海洋环境,保护“蓝色国土”。35.关于保护海洋环境,下列做法可取的是①季节休渔,推动海洋资源与海洋生物保护②保护红树林生态资源,保护滩涂湿地③保护珊瑚礁,投放人工鱼礁④...
Worldwide our oceans and their inhabitants are currently under enormous pressure. Human population is growing and so is our need for food. Historically only 100 years ago there were plenty of fish in our oceans, but now it’s getting critical for some species. For example: each year 100 mil...
Be restored.World Oceans Day reminds us thateveryday we need to be relentless in speaking, working and advocating toward preserving and restoring the oceans. But, let’s also be relentless in letting the oceans do the same for us. As poetE.E. Cummings(a.k.a. e e cummings – the defini...
On June 8, the entire planet celebrates an important environmental holiday — World Oceans Day. 6月8日,整个地球庆祝一个重要的环境节日-世界海洋日History 历史In its original form, the holiday was born in 1992. At that time, an international environmental
Our Shared Seas|2024 World Oceans Day 🌊|致敬那些波涛汹涌冲刷下的中国面孔🇨🇳TOLIVING 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多32 -- 0:37 App True belonging springs from love,from yourself. 77 -- 0:20 App 云落开时冰吐鉴,浪花深处玉沈钩。 206 -- 0:29 App 不能想象一个没...
世界海洋日 : World Oceans Day 2024年6月8日标志着第16个世界海洋日和第17个全国海洋宣传日的到来。此次活动的主题为“维护海洋生态系统,促进人与自然的和谐共生”。自然资源部宣传教育中心制作了专门的宣传海报,并提供下载服务,以便各地方开展海洋保护宣传活动。愿我们共同关注并保护海洋,与自然和谐相处。
每日一词∣世界海洋日 World Oceans Day 今年6月8日是第14个世界海洋日。世界海洋日的设立旨在提醒人们海洋对于人类社会生存和发展具有重要意义。 The world marks the 14th World Oceans Day on Wednesday, which aims to raise awareness about the significance of oceans to the survival and development of ...
特别巧的是,每年的6月8日,也就是后天,是世界海洋日,World Oceans Day,联合国呼吁国际社会一起来保护我们的海洋。每年的世界海洋日都会有一个主题,今年的主题是:Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean. 就这个主题,我们说两点。 第一,在英语里,当专有名词或者标题里含有多个单词的时候,每个实意单词的首字母都要大写...
· CMA CGM is part of the Ocean & Climate Platform, spearheaded by the UN within the framework of the Group's belonging to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The platform helps to promote targets and best practices to support sustainable development of the oceans. ...