2024年3月4日是“世界肥胖日”(World Obesity Day),今年的活动主题是“让我们谈谈肥胖和……”(LET'S TALK ABOUT OBESITY AND...)。希望通过世界肥胖日,改变整个社会对肥胖的错误看法,鼓励人们认识到肥胖的根本原因,增加对肥胖这一疾病的了解,解决体重污名化问题,创造一个健康的环境,采取行动提高世界对肥胖的理解...
For theMarch 4th,2024“World Obesity Day (WOD)”,the Obesity Prevention and Control Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society (CNS) and the Global Health Institute (GHI) of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), in collaboration...
今年3月份,世界肥胖联盟公布的最新版《World Obesity Atlas 2023》预测,到2035年,全球将有超过40亿人属于肥胖或超重,占全球人口的51%。美国2035年成人肥胖率预测将达58%,2020年至2035年的年增长率达到2.1%;中国2035年成人肥胖率预测将达到18%,2020年至2035年的年增长率将达到5.4%。2035年超重/肥胖管理相关费用预...
43% of people have a genetic predisposition to become obese. There are over 400 genes that have been linked to obesity or being overweight. Having one or more of these genes means you are more predisposed to obesity than people without these genes. One of the most common genes is the obes...
A new report by the World Obesity Federation (WOF) has said more than half of the world's population will be obese or overweight by 2035 if significant action isn't taken. The federation's 2023 atlas also predicted that childhood obesity levels could mor
作者: World Obesity Federation, World Obesity Atlas 2023. 网页链接。中国成人肥胖20%。
According to HealthData.org, as of June 2023, more than half a billion people live with diabetes worldwide. More than 80% of deaths related to diabetes occur in low and middle income countries. The European Union has some of the highest rates of obesity in the world, which is a major ...
2023年3月,世界肥胖联盟(WorldObesityFederation)公布了最新版《世界肥胖地图》报告,“预计2035年,全球将有超过40亿人超重/肥胖,占全球总人口的一半以上”。肥胖成为我们越来越关注的问题,根据要求回答下列问题: (1)脂肪由___元素构成,是人体细胞良好的___物质,主要通过饮食摄入,也可以由糖类或蛋白质等物质转化而来...
2 people interested. Check out who is attending ✭ exhibiting ✭ speaking ✭ schedule & agenda ✭ reviews ✭ timing ✭ entry ticket fees. 2023 edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress will be held at Boston starting on 16th Oct