肥胖一直是公众所密切关注的重要议题,2023世界肥胖图谱(The World Obesity Atlas 2023)显示,如果我们不采取任何行动,那么到2035年,全球超重和肥胖人口将会超过40亿。随着肥胖人口增加以及在胰高血糖样肽-1(GLP-1)类减重药物上的突破,近期产业界减重疗法管线也大幅增长。IQVIA近期对当前全球减肥药物的研发管线进行了盘点。
今年3月份,世界肥胖联盟公布的最新版《World Obesity Atlas 2023》预测,到2035年,全球将有超过40亿人属于肥胖或超重,占全球人口的51%。美国2035年成人肥胖率预测将达58%,2020年至2035年的年增长率达到2.1%;中国2035年成人肥胖率预测将达到18%,2020年至2035年的年增长率将达到5.4%。2035年超重/肥胖管理相关费用预...
The forum also focused on the prevalence of obesity among the Chinese population and strategies for diagnosis and treatment, showcasing new research in obesity treatment,highlights of the key results of the Chinese translation of...
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In the decades-long search for a “silver bullet” to tackle the U.S. obesity crisis, immense sums have been spent on diets, pills, and intensive workout programs. Now, researchers say GLP-1 — originally a treatment for type 2 diabetes — also addresses obesity, effectively solving two ...
2021;21(1):351. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Gallagher EJ, LeRoith D. Epidemiology and molecular mechanisms tying obesity, diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome with cancer. Diabetes Care. 2013;36 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S233-9. Article PubMed Google Scholar Download references...
Here, we investigate the neurobiological basis of stress resilience, by showing that neural responsitivity of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC-NE) and associated pupil responses are related to the subsequent change in measures of anxiety and depression in response to prolonged real-life stress....
In the past few years considerable emphasis has been placed on the effect of the intrauterine environment in the epidemic of T2DM, particularly in the early onset of T2DM and obesity. Prevention of T2DM is a 'whole-of-life' task and requires an integrated approach operating from the origin ...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) tends to have mild presentations in children. However, severe and critical cases do arise in the pediatric population w
Results:the prevalence in rural and urban areas was 7.5% and 9.7% (p.005) for diabetes and 5.0% and 6.2% for impaired fasting glucose (p.079) respectively. Obesity (AOR 2.57:CI: 0.86-7.9), high total cholesterol (AOR 3.83: CI: 2.03-7.208), hypertension (AOR 1.18:CI: 0.69-2.00), ...