Most everyone should get vaccinated, not only for themselves, but for others. As long as there are a lot of cases in the world, due tonatural selection, it will tend to mutate to become more infectious, and potentially more dangerous. The faster we reachherd immunity, the sooner things ca..., Weekly Update newsletter and News Bulletins cover the application of informatics, IT and computer science in biomedical research and drug discovery. As the life sciences become an increasingly quantitative discipline, Bio-IT World provides topical news coverage and analysis of cutting...
MAGNOX Natural uranium-metal fuel in magnesium-aluminum-beryllium alloy cladding manSv man-sievert Marina Project supported by the European Commission to evaluate the radiological impact of natural and anthropogenic radioactivity in the sea and to provide an overall view of the radiological exposure of ...
The truly great Stephen Hawking has been doing much talking and writing for the Great Unwashed and too little thinking and computation in his field, he arrived at his allotted level of success and is now stopped, high on the side of the mountain. As with Uncle Albert and those of his lik...