Listen to world music online for free with unlimited skips! Choose from over a dozen channels of Internet radio highlighting music from around the globe.
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Newer listeners often find that the selections for world music are so numerous that they can have trouble deciding what to listen to first. One possible way for them to narrow down the choices is to try world music radio stations that are still in their native languages but originate from a...
It has been a bumpy road, to say the least, for World Music Radio (WMR), as the station has mor-phed from pirate to legal radio station. The 1960s were, of course, the main period during which unlicensed radio stations popped up all over western Europe.Most of them set up offshore...
HFU HF Underground » Loggings » European Pirates and Private Stations (Moderators: Beerus Maximus, Ray Lalleu, DimBulb, ChrisLobdel, Skipmuck, Shortwave_Listener) » World Music Radio 15700 AM 0756 UTC 17 MAY 2024 We seek to understand and document all radio transmissions, legal ...
HFU HF Underground » Loggings » European Pirates and Private Stations (Moderators: Beerus Maximus, Ray Lalleu, DimBulb, ChrisLobdel, Skipmuck, Shortwave_Listener) » World Music Radio 15700 AM 1421 UTC 26 MAY 2024 We seek to understand and document all radio transmissions, legal ...
Top Radio Stations brings you the best radio stations in the world. From this app you will enjoy listening to online radio broadcasts, music and news, no matter…
BBC and VOA are two famous radio stations in the world. BBC is the short form of“British Broadcasting Corporation". VOA means "Voice of America". They have news,stories, music and so on. People all over the world listen to their programs. Chinese people especially college students listen ...
Most schools have radio stations. They give you world and Chinese news. Sometimes they play music. What music does your school radio station play? Do you like the music?. Hu Ziwei, 13, Nanjing Our school plays songs once a week. Some students get excited when they hear songs by pop ...
Listen to world music online for free with unlimited skips! Choose from over a dozen channels of Internet radio highlighting music from around the globe.