North Americans laughed most at jokes that made fun of people. So, what was the world's funniest joke?Two men are hunting(打猎). Suddenly, one man falls down and isn't moving. The other man calls for help on his mobile phone. "Help!"the man says, "I think my friend is dead!""...
北京大学的叶军同学在国庆期间上网,读到The World's Funniest Joke(By Corey Ullman)她认为,在网上"巧遇"此文,是国庆假日的一大享受.遗憾的是,其中有些幽默令她"似懂非懂",于是就发我刊一封邮件,要求我们给予解答.我们将叶军读到的文章和她的问题发给美国教授,本刊顾问Bill Hofmann,仅相 隔几个小时,我们就...
Scientists have discovered the world's funniest joke! Dr. Wiseman,from Oxford University in Britain,created a website with jokes on it.He then asked people to rate(定级)the jokes from 1(“not very funny”)to 5(“very funny”).People could also tell their own jokes.At the end of one ...
about people.In Wiseman’s experiment(实验),people from different countries did think different jokes were funny.For example,Europeans rated jokes about serious topic like death “very funny”.North Americans laughed most at jokes that made fun of people.So,what was the world’s funniest joke?
The LaughLab results might also help scientists attempting to get computers to create truly entertaining jokes, he says. And they should also provide tips for people. The team’s analysis has also revealed the world’s “funniest animal” – the duck. “If you’re going to tell a joke inv...
Why is Sex The Most Fun Many People Have Without Laughing? Questions that Lead to Laughs What’s the funniest line anyone’s ever come onto you with?What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you having sex?How have you gotten laughing during sex?What sexual experience do you reme...
[a,140T he funniest jokeScientists believe they have found the world'sfunniest joke.T he research refers to T ravel Abroad, awebsite, including 40, 000 printable jokes, more than 2 million humorous stories from 70 countries, a year's breakdown of humor by age,ser and nationality, and a...
Recently, some scientists decided to find out what the funniest joke in the world was. This wasclearly a (an) 21 task,as no two people ever really agree about what is funny and what is not--22 when they are from different 23 Telling jokes is something people often 24 around the worlD...
There they were, all the birds in the world . 普天之下的飞禽都来了。Hurry is the handsomest mortal in the world . 赫里是世界上最漂亮的人。It's the funniest joke in the world . 它是世界上最引人开怀的笑料。There is so much infepcity in the world . 人... is more like a “the news of comedy” site, but since comedy and comedians are sometimes funny, this site is sometimes funny. One of the stories above the fold today is “Fox News Accuses Jay Leno of Stealing a Joke and Yes I Am Serious.” And yes I am serious. ...