时间:2025-01-30 09:00 ~ 2025-02-01 18:00 地点: null 欧洲-德国 德国柏林艾司特尔酒店 - Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin 主办: 德国柏林世界钱币展览公司 票种: 该票种需要主办方审核说明:包含:代订费、增值税 数量: 1 每人限购3张 收藏
2025年德国柏林世界钱币展览会(World Money Fair,简称WMF)是全球规模最大、影响力最广的钱币展览会之一,由德国柏林世界钱币展览公司主办。自创办以来,WMF已成为钱币收藏家、投资者及行业专家交流的重要平台,每年吸引着来自世界各地的数千家参展商和数万名观众。展会规模与参展情况 展览面积:预计达到15000平方米,...
柏林世界钱币展览会(World Money Fair)已成为欧洲最知名的货币展览会之一,也是世界上规模最大的货币展览会之一。由德国柏林世界钱币展览公司主办。它已成为世界各地收藏家和投资者的论坛。许多造币厂每年都有一个特定的主题,例如,柏林造币厂的展台专门展示“纪念柏林墙倒塌25周年的硬币”。 展会时间:2025年01月30日-...
The 49th World Money Fair took place in Berlin from 31 January to 2 February 2020. Japan was the guest of honour. Here you find photographic impressions of the fair and the events.
World Money Fair将于2023年02月03日~02月05日在德国柏林会展中心盛大举行。 德国柏林钱币展览会World Money Fair至今已举办了49届,目前柏林币展已经成为欧洲最知名的钱币展之一,也是全球规模最大的钱币展之一。WMF同期举办钱币技术专业论坛。在展出世界最大硬币的同时,有关世界硬币生产技术的专家们都举行了会议。世...
德国柏林世界钱币展(World Money Fair)是国际上最重要的钱币展,一年一届在柏林举行。至今已举办了48届,北京时间,2月1日-3日每晚22:00 小永为你现场直击展会盛况,欲知世界钱币发展动态,敬请关注!http://t...
All programs and events sponsored by the American Numismatic Association (ANA) at the World’s Fair of Money are the exclusive property of the Association. No one is permitted to record or reproduce such events, orally or visually, by digital recording, videotape recording, audio cassette recordin...
We’ve said at 40 percent, we’re not going to bring it back until there’s a fair rate. There’s no debate about it.” Cook may be right that there’s “no debate” about whether it’s sensible for a company to keep money overseas to guard against bad tax policy. But there is...
“But you need to get a lot of things right,” Tomás pointed out. “There’s a real risk that if all you do is invest in a model, you spend a lot of money, but you don’t see the value because you don’t have the right data, the right systems, or people aren’t using...
Today, Mukesh Ambani is one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, with an estimated net worth of over $116.2 billion as of 2024. Here’s the famous quote by Mukesh Ambani: A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn a reputation by trying to do hard thing...