If we keep burning fossil fuels indefinitely, global warming will eventually melt all the ice at the poles and on mountaintops, raising sea level by 216 feet. Explore what the world’s new coastlines would look like.
The polar ice caps have melted, 两极冰盖融化 covering the Earth with water. 地球被淹没在海洋中 Those who survived have adapted... 幸存者逐渐适应了这个... to a new world. 新世界 Bad luck, English. 你真倒霉 But the Slavers are producing a good grade of poxy these days. 奴隶贩子正在做合...
Thepolaricecapshavemelted, 两极冰盖融化 coveringtheEarthwithwater. 地球被淹没在海洋中 Thosewhosurvivedhaveadapted... 幸存者逐渐适应了这个... toanewworld. 新世界 Badluck,English. 你真倒霉 ButtheSlaversareproducingagoodgradeofpoxythesedays. 奴隶贩子正在做吅成松香 ...
Back to the movie, the plotline is simple. The ice caps have melted, submerging the entire world and creating a water-basedMad Max-esque society of barterers, gruff nomads, sneaky traders, and roving bad guys. Our anti-hero in this Waterworld is the Mariner (Kevin Costner) who is a mu...
The polar ice caps have completely melted, and the sea level has risen many thousands of feet, covering all the land. An antihero known only as "the Mariner" (Kevin Costner), is a drifter who sails the Earth in his trimaran. He comes into an atoll seeking to trade... 閱讀全部...
After an altered version of the Universal ident shows the world’s continents receding slowly into the blue mass of the oceans,Waterworldlaunches us into a future where the polar icecaps have melted and the landmasses have been submerged. Here the entire world is one big body of water, and...
Weapons can be smelted into steel. Corpses are ugly to look at; even with the Corpses: Don't Care precept, they create filth, lowering the beauty of the surrounding area. Corpses can also feed your carnivore animals. At Strive to Survive, these are bigger considerations than the actual ...
In 1847, Sir John Franklin and a crew of 128 men disappeared while searching for the fabled Northwest Passage. A National Geographic team sought to find evidence of their fate—but the Arctic doesn’t give up its secrets easily.
In the future, the ice caps have melted. Those who survived have adapted to a new way of living. The world is covered by water and mankind has no recollections of their past. The stories of land are but a myth, only a map inscribed on a girl's back hints otherwise. ...
As most everyone knows, Waterworld takes place sometime in the unspecified future where the Earth has been covered by water from the melted icecaps. Kevin Costner stars as the Mariner, a Mad Max-ish loner on the ocean who's boat boasts an impressive array of sails and devices. An ...