《History o..这本世界历史地图出版于2018年,时间上包括了从远古时代到2018年,一共360页,书中有不少错误。书里面的文字叙述,以及世界上各个王朝的历史地图,仅供参考。
The World History Atlas contains two parts: ancient history and modern history. Ancient history mainly includes maps of ancient civilizations in West Asia and N…
Much more than a history atlas, this book drops you right in the heart of the action, as 130 detailed maps tell the story of pivotal episodes in world history, from the first human migrations out of Africa to the race for space. After the foreword written by renowned broadcaster and histo...
History of the World Map by Map 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Much more than a history atlas, this book drops you right in the heart of the action, as 130 detailed maps tell the story of pivotal episodes in world history, from the first human migrations out of Africa to the race...
A unique approach to historical Mapping. Historical maps of the world. One map for each and every year in recorded history. Interactive historical atlases on CD. Historical maps of the world since 500bce. Historical maps of North American since 1492. .
or maps that try to compress decades or even centuries of change on to one map, we offer a different approach. Our interactive historical maps show the entire world for every single year in recorded history. This is an unprecedented amount of detail in time for the whole world that cannot ...
The World Map, 1300–1492: The Persistence of Tradition and Transformation . Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. ix + 300 pp. index. illus. map. bibl. $50. ISBN: 978–0–8018–8589–1. Evelyn Edson surveys the depiction of the inhabited world from religious mappaemundi...
History 130 Commits library Move the recolor to black to after the canvas is created May 29, 2014 v3 Version 3.1 (12) Dec 10, 2023 worldmap Version 3.0 Sep 29, 2019 .gitignore Version 3.0 Sep 29, 2019 LICENSE-apache-2.0.txt source code license explicitly set ...
作者:DK 出版社:DK 出版年:2018-10-23 页数:440 定价:USD 50.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781465475855 豆瓣评分 7.8 38人评价 5星 57.9% 4星 31.6% 3星 10.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 History of the World Map by Map的书评 ···(全部 0 条)...
History 74 Commits .github update readme Feb 17, 2022 docs update docs Feb 22, 2023 worldmap update examples Mar 13, 2022 .gitignore do not include zip files Mar 15, 2020 CITATION.cff update url Mar 12, 2022 LICENSE MIT licence