2024 IRONMAN World Championship Nice-Team CHINA 中国女子团队总共12人拥有参赛资格,实到10人,举着国旗走过尼斯的街道,很棒的氛围! - 钧月于20240921发布在抖音,已经收获了64.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR) will wear the number one bib as the reigning IRONMAN World Champion. Her 2023 victory was momentous as Charles-Barclay became the first woman in 45+ year IRONMAN World Championship history to lead from cannon to tape on her way to setting a new women’s course b...
Friday 13 October 2023 The women take center stage in the first-ever female-only race at the VinFast IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona. On Saturday, October 14, the best female professional and amateur triathletes in the world will battle it out in a bid to be crowned 2023 VinFast ...
For over four decades the IRONMAN World Championship has brought the world's best athletes together in competition. Proud partner, we've developed a unique range customized at the colors of the event. Inspired by the island's splendid setting and cultural heritage, the 2022 Kona Limited Edition...
German Laura Philipp pulled away from Brit Kat Matthews in the 26.2-mile run to become the second-oldest woman to win an Ironman World Championship. Philipp, 37, and Matthews, 33, were even going into the run following the 2.4-mile swim and 112-mile bike. Philipp opened up a gap ...
* 詳細路線指南請看官網:http://ironmanworldchampionship.com/course/ 賽道記錄 最近的賽道記錄是澳洲選手Craig Alexander在2011年以8小時3分56秒創下的,而女子記錄保持人則是英國選手Chrissie Wellington在2009年以8小時54分2秒所創下。 知名選手 ★ Chris McCormack ...
Tim DeBoom and Peter Reid had a classic Ironman rivalry—friends off course but temporary enemies during the race. Both men had two wins in Kona, and both had second-place finishes to the other. In the 2003 Ironman World Championship, Reid passed DeBoom in the marathon. At mile 13, De...
百年灵专业耐力腕表IRONMAN®铁人世锦赛限量版(Endurance Pro IRONMAN® World Championship)选用钛金属材质,十分轻盈。 面临最艰难路段和最陡峭爬坡时,什么促使您冲向终点?是精神支柱,支撑您继续前行。专业耐力腕表IRONMAN®铁人限量版(Endurance Pro IRONMAN®)无疑是您的另一件利器。 专业耐力腕表(Endurance Pro)...
IRONMAN World Championship 2022年5月7日,圣乔治。男子前三:Kristian Blummenfelt小胖,Lionel Sanders,Braden Currie 女子前三:Daniela Ryf,Kat Matthew,Anna Haug 小胖非常精彩的后来居上,桑德斯绝地反杀获得第二。经典至极! Ryf王者归来,实力碾压 游泳 跑步 运动 竞技体育 骑行 铁人三项 世锦赛 IRONMAN 圣乔治 Kona...