今天还是来说“世界不平等实验室(World Inequality Lab)”发布的《2022年世界不平等报告》,上次说过了中国、美国和印度三国的情况,今天我们就来对比日本、韩国、英国、法国和德国的情况。毕竟这五家都是发达国家,日子当然要比我们和印度好过一些,整体上劳动人口的人均收入都不错,每个比例的人群都基本上集中在一...
世界不平等研究机构(World inequality Lab)发布的《世界不平等报告》(World Inequality Report 2018)称,中国居民收入不平等水平处于世界倒数第7位。据新浪财经网的消息,根据该报告的数据,中国最富裕的10%人的收入占GDP的比例达41%。收入分配最平均为欧洲,这里10%最富有的人收入占GDP的37%。俄罗斯在排名表上紧随中国...
(2017). World Inequality Report 2018. Paris: World Inequality Lab.Saez, E, F Alvaredo, L Chancel and T Piketty (2018): World Inequality Report 2018.Alvaredo, F., L. Chancel, T. Piketty, E. Saez, and G. Zucman, World Inequality Report (WIR) 2018, Harvard University Press, 2018....
Inequality is at a historic high, even more stark than under colonial Britain. According to a report by the Paris-based World Inequalities Lab, the top 1% of India's population controls 40% of the nation's wealth. India ranks 111th out of the 125 nations in the Global Hu...
Inequality is at a record high, and is even more stark than it was under colonial Britain. According to a report by the Paris-based World Inequalities Lab, India's top 1% population controls 40% of the nation's wealth - higher than the US, South Afr...
Futures Programme Officer at theInstitute of Economic Affairs. Njonjo has pioneered research in youth demographics and inequality, including conducting workshops across Kenya to ask young people directly what they feel their future might look like. She contributed her knowledge of the needs of youth, ...
Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by inequality. 2017年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ The best model for understanding the growth of CEO pay is that of limited CEO talent in a world where business opportunities for the top firms are growing rapidly. 2020年考研...
of the report of the World Health Organization (WHO) on a joint study conducted with China on tracing the origins of COVID-19, the United States and a few other countries have recently continued to hype up the so-called “lab leak” theory and politicize the virus origin-tracing process....
pornography and sexual inequality is considered by Luck and Ellerby (2013). They argue that equating virtual paedophilia with child pornography is not always appropriate because in gamespace it may be part of the game structure to commit such acts, therefore the player is not choosing this virtua...
Practical policies can combat gender inequality Mechanisms to help researchers to balance work and home lives have made a positive difference to the gender balance at my institute, says Douglas Hilton. Nature 523, 7 ( 2 July 2015 ) Judge by actions, not words Sexist comments made by my ...