Mod News Merry Modding Days - 2024 14 Nov 2024 SlugGirl I know, I know, that time of year is still over a month away. Halloween was only a couple of weeks ago, and anyone else in the UK has probably only just heard the last of the fireworks after burning effigies last week. Still...
大概的意思就是限制系统运行时的内核数,根据这个思路我想了一下以前在某一种游戏也是对核支持不好,我在msconfig 修改了引导时启动的内核数为4核就可以正常运行了(当然在WIC还没有实操过,理论上应该也是可行)。搜索资料到最后的时候呢,发现有他们所修改过的补丁(
冲突世界(World in Conflict)原创简繁英三语合一V1.51正式版(本汉化包适用于任意语言版本的游戏,使用本汉化以后,可在简体中文、繁体中文和英文版之间自由切换,不会影响原版游戏的稳定性与可靠性。在使用本汉化包之前要先安装的V1.002升级档,在V1.0测试版中的程序BUG已经成功修复,我们将会在V2.0正式版中对简体中文...
1、开启存档修改器。 2、打开游戏开始游戏后,按热键开展舞弊。 软件问答 无枪击冷却时间仅有一部分移动载具可以起效,且务必相互配合F强制进攻才可以充分发挥。 热键: F1 - 无尽增援点数 F2 - 无限空袭点数 F3 - 无空袭冷却时间 F4 - 无枪击冷却时间(一部分移动载具) ...
Download this mod: Skip intro videos at Nexus Mods. Extract the contents of the downloaded archive to <path-to-game>. Game data • Link In-game general settings. Configuration file(s) location • Link SystemLocation Windows %USERPROFILE%\Documents\World in Conflict\ Steam Play (Linux) <...
Fix a bug where mods were loaded synchronously in a GUI handler when they should've been using the app event queue. [CL, BT] Fix an out of bounds access when files without an extension are present in the game or mod folders. [CL, BT] ...
Check if a mod is valid - needs about.xml, at least one XML or dll.Check if mod exists twice. a) based on folder name & b) based on About.xml name.Check if a mod's defname conflicts with another defname of the same modChange output to tabbed tables in a Windows Formand more....
add the same items/features as my mod. But I have not found anything similar, so I believe it's quite rare to get any mod conflict.Place the 'Animal Gear' mod before this mod in the load order for proper functionality.You can provide me with incompatibility reports, by openingan issue...
1楼2021-07-10 11:14回复 邮差7号 部众 3 找到了,是sparkling world。这mod一更新汉化就不能用了 2楼2021-07-10 11:54 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1回复贴,共1页 <返回rimworld吧发表...