December 1st, 2024 is the 37th World AIDS Day, The theme of publicity activity in China is “Take the Rights Path”. 01 艾滋病是什么? What’s the AIDS? 艾滋病全称为“获得性免疫缺陷综合症”,该病是艾滋病病毒(HI...
HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact, regardless of being between the same or opposite sex. The virus is present in semen and vaginal secretions, and small breaks in the genital mucosa during intercourse can allow the virus to ...
World AIDS Day 艾 滋 梗 概 艾滋病又称获得性免疫缺陷综合症(AIDS),是人类免疫缺陷病毒HIV入侵人体后引起的严重传染病。 艾滋病具有传播迅速,发病缓慢,病死率高的特点,病人及HIV携带者都是传染源,人群普遍易感。 艾滋病的症状 HIV感染者要经过数年、甚至长达10年或更长的潜伏期后才会发展成艾滋病病人,因机...
母婴传播途径中,感染艾滋病病毒的母亲的乳汁可与婴儿口腔、咽喉、食道和胃粘膜接触,艾滋病病毒主要经消化道粘膜入侵人体。 感染艾滋病的症状 急性期 The World AIDS Day - 通常发生在初次感染HIV后2-4周左右。临床主要表现为发热、咽痛、盗汗、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、皮疹、关节痛、淋巴结肿大及神经系统症状。多数患者临...
艾滋病的全称是“获得性免疫缺陷综合征”,缩写为AIDS,由艾滋病毒(HIV)引起,是一种严重危害人类健康的传染病。 世界艾滋病日的标志是红丝带,这一象征物寓意着大众对艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人的关心与支持。通过佩戴红丝带,人们可以表达对艾滋病患者的关爱,同时也提醒自己和他人...
Chinese city marks World AIDS Day with education campaignSource: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2024-12-01 22:03:160:00 /0:00 North China's Cangzhou City in Hebei Province launched an education campaign to enhance awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people on World AIDS Day. You may like ...
Continuing a tradition begun four years ago, Apple today has joined in recognizing World AIDS Day by coloring Apple logos on its retail stores around the world bright red. The worldwide event was established to represent the global fight in preventing HIV and AIDS, as well as promoting healthy...
World AIDS Day is observed annually on December 1st. The day honors all of those who have lost their lives to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and those who are infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). It also raises awareness of the pa
The World AIDS Day 性传播:不安全的性行为是HIV传播的主要方式,涉及到男男性行为、异性间性行为及女女性行为。 血液传播:通过共用未消毒的注射器、纹身设备或者手术器械等可传播病毒。 母婴传播:孕妇感染HIV可通过胎盘、分娩过程或母乳喂养传给婴儿。
WORLD AIDS dayHIV infectionsHIVPUBLIC health infrastructureHIV infection transmissionAIDS-related opportunistic infectionsBackground: World AIDS Day has been observed on the first of December every year. Whilst there are specific themes during the commemoration, the role of conflict on HIV seems neglected...