Modern World History is a one-credit, 18 week, academic or honors level Social Studies course. It is a required course that all sophomore who don’t take AP Europe need to pass for graduation. It is a reading intensive course. The reading level of the textbook and the difficulty and freq...
Tsagkaraki, Vilelmini
Learners using a bus map in a textbook to propose where to add pedestrian crossings in a fictional town Learners investigating the interaction between green plants and carbon dioxide in the air Learners identifying appropriate situations for using mean, median, and mode by exploring several sample da...
So, your little one's tackling fifth grade, huh? That means a whole new level of challenges and adventures, especially when it comes to English class. Navigating a new textbook can feel a bit overwhelming, but don't worry, we've got you covered. This isn't your ...
I don't plan on having my students do a lot of reading, most of the sections are not long reads to begin with, but it is important for them to read the textbook in order forthem to understand the primary instruction that I give them. Supplementary readings can only strengthen the ...
So, your little one's tackling fourth grade, and that means a whole new level of learning – especially in English! We know how it feels: Suddenly, those simple phonics lessons are a distant memory, replaced by complex grammar, longer reading assignments, and maybe even a...
The proliferation of digital technologies is precipitating a transformation in the socio-cultural fabric of human existence. The present study is dedicated to investigating the coexistence of various reading practices among contemporary youth in the mode
Food allergy (FA) is a condition with a growing incidence and is a constant concern for the medical world and healthcare providers. With potential symptoms including anaphylaxis, in the event of an allergic reaction the patient’s life may well be endang