Myths Encyclopedia Tr-Wa Trojan War Trojan War In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was a legendary ten-year conflict in which Greek warriors laid siege to Troy, a city on the northwestern coast of Asia Minor*. Homer's* great epic the Iliad describes the activities of gods, goddesses, ...
Who directed the first scientific archaeological excavation in history? Who invented the encyclopedia? Who wrote Obama's memoirs? Who taught Herodotus? Who invented the English alphabet? Who invented the first language? Who first wrote about Hellenistic settlements?
What’s more, Denmark’s stock market has been on fire the past 20 years whereas the UK’s has been moribund. Consequently Britain has slipped into the bottom half of the table, after decades as one of the leading lights. And while it’s true that losing a World War is bad news, Ja...
The Counter-Earth of Ben Barzman's Out of this World (1960; vt Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 1960; vt Echo X 1962) is essentially an Alternate-History setting in which World War Two never happened. Further alternate-history scenarios range from chillingly plausible – like the strand of ...
Myths Encyclopedia Pa-Pr Paris Paris In Greek mythology, Paris was a handsome young prince who eloped with the most beautiful woman in the world and caused the Trojan War*. The son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy*, Paris seemed destined for disaster from birth. Shortly before he...
(约前484一约前425年) The History《历史》 Thucydides修昔底德(约前460一约前400年) History of the Peloponnesian War《伯罗奔半岛战争志》 Volume 7卷七 Plato柏拉图(约前428一约前348年) The Dialogues Charmides《卡尔米德》 Lysis《吕西斯》 Laches《拉克斯》 Protagoras《普罗塔戈拉》 Euthydemus《欧绪...
War, through the medium of military institutions, has uniquely served societies, throughout the course of known history, as an indispensable controller of dangerous social dissidence and destructive antisocial tendencies. As the most formidable of threats to life itself, and as the only one ...
“When our Founders declared a ‘new order of the ages,’ when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on liberty, when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner ‘Freedom Now,’ they were acting on anancient hopethat is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb ...
This version of Roman history emphasized the idea that the gods had always meant for Rome to rule the world. Romulus and Remus became sons of a princess of Alba Longa, descendants of Aeneas—a perfect example of Roman willingness and ability to piece together different myths. ...
You will deny that this is what the homosexual agenda truly believes, you will say that this is a false accusation. But, the reason why I make these affirmations with confidence, is because of the history of homosexuality. In history, we see the future. It is in their...