The Bladder Consensus Conference Committee (1999) The World Health Organization/International Society of Urologic Pathology consensus classification of uro... Objectives. To investigate the relation of the World Health Organization/International Society of Urological Pathology (WHO/ISUP) system for bladder ...
The World Health Organization's downgrade of COVID-19 doesn't mean that the outbreak is over or that the virus is now harmless, but rather that we can effectively control the harm it causes, said China's top epidemiologist Liang Wannian, who also expects worldwide reforms that will boost ...
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is calling on the World Health Organization to open the upcoming Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Conference of the Parties (COP11) to consumer advocacy groups, in line with human rights principles and evidence-based pol...
This article presents a history of efforts by the World Health Organization and its most important ally, the World Federation for Medical Education, to strengthen and standardize international medical education. This aspect of WHO activity has been large
International Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies International Conference on Health, Science and Technology Articles / News / Press releases Neuropsychiatry - Half a century surviving with shrapnel within the Brain Attending Health conferences is beneficial not only for professionals ...
Apart from global health concerns, the organization is also responsible for producing the World Health report, which gives an account of overall health of people in UN member nations. The decision to have a day dedicated to World health was taken at the first conference of WHO in 1948 in ...
We herein present an overview of the upcoming 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours focussing on lymphoid neoplasms. Myeloid and histiocytic neoplasms will be presented in a separate accompanying article.
The IFFS World Congress provides a unique platform for attendees to convene, learn and discuss current advances in reproductive health, access to fertility care, and reproductive rights across the globe, and engage the patient perspective. Keynote lectures, panels, and our signature trilogy sessions ...
5NigoraReviewedGlobal Conference on Primary Health Careon 30 Oct 2018 Coordinator of volunteers at Public organization Hamsol ba hamsol It was really great. Many thanks to organizers, and especially to the volunteers. 5James BairReviewedTwenty-first meeting of the WHO Council on the Economics of ...