To address these types of challenges, the theme for World Health Day 2024 is'My health, my right’. This year’s theme was chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and inform...
Offers information on the 2003 World Health Day celebration sponsored by the United Nations World Health Organization. Theme; Focus of the celebration on children's health; Theme of the 2002 World Health Day ce...
Illustration about World Health Day concept poster. Vector illustration. Illustration of logo, design, healthcare - 140128514
When Is United Nations' World Health Day 2025?74月20252025年4月7日星期一 Add to calendar Quick Facts This year: 2025年4月7日星期一 Next year: 2026年4月7日星期二 Last year: 2024年4月7日星期日 Type: United Nations Observance List of dates for other years World Health Day is an ...
WORLD HEALTH DAYNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.1962.tb05714.xNoneBlackwell Publishing LtdAustralian Dental Journal
世界卫生日:4月7日,世界卫生日的英文是:World Health Day世界卫生日的来历:1946年7月22日,联合国经社理事会在纽约举行了一次国际卫生大会,60多个国家的代表签署了《世界卫生组织宪章》,《世界卫生组织宪章》于1948年4月7日生效。为纪念组织宪章通过日,1948年6月,在日内瓦举行的联合国第一届世界卫生大会上正式...
“Digital technologies will drive a significant transformation of the healthcare sector” “In the coming years, digital technologies will drive a significant transformation of the healthcare sector. Technologies like IoT, machine-to-machine communications, […] By Elets News Network “The main foc...
World Health Day (操场上激情四射的成小狮们) 通过体育锻炼不仅可以使骨骼、肌肉强壮发达,还能促进大脑和各内脏器官的发育。坚持运动能改善身体各系统调节能力,增强免疫力。生活中我们要积极参加体育锻炼,提高生活素质。 养成良好的饮食习惯 World Health Day ...
4月9日译名发布:World Health Day 外文全称:World Health Day 中文译名:世界卫生日 背景介绍:4月7日是世界卫生日,今年的世界卫生日的意义尤为重要,仍在全球蔓延的新冠疫情让医护人员付出了巨大牺牲。自1950年起,联合国决定将每年的4月7日定为世界卫生日,以提高全世界对卫生领域工作的认识,注重于影响国际...
#HealthForAll #WHO75 On 7 April 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) will mark its 75thanniversary, along with its 194 Member States and other partners, bycalling for a renewed drive for health equity. Seventy-five years ago, in theaftermathof thedeadliestan...