However,the British seem to be losing touch with their art.AccordingtoanewbookbyBritishwriterMaxDavidson,insteadofsaying"I'msorry"whentheydosomethingwrong,Britishpeopleprefertochoosetheirwordscarefully.Inhisbook,"Sorry…TheHardestWordandHowtoUseIt",Davidsonwritesaboutanumberofrecentapologies(道歉).One...
英语阅读一篇题为"World's hardest word"的阅读文章里的一句话:However,the British seem to be losing touch with their art
Sorry seems to be the hardest word on world stage; NZ guinea pig claim denied by Australia; Vietnam War fact fileGRIFFITHS LINDSAY
World's hardest word British people have always been good at saying “I’m sorry . They used to be so good at it that they would apologize for things that weren’t even their fault . However, the British seem to be losing touch with their art. According
That will probably be the hardest task you will ever come across in your life. Because now you are going to spend a great deal of time weeding out the fakes. This will take you at least two or three relationships. Then you have to weed out those who think they are Dominant but they...
"Lay has been outstanding. He's one of the hardest working people I've met." The track is available in Chinese, English and Korean, and features a dynamic blend of genres, melding emotive R&B chords with garage-style beats and bassy ...
Chinese: A Difficult Language to Translate Chinese is considered by most translators to be the hardest language to translate and it even presents huge challenges for native speakers. It requires extensive experience to achieve the accuracy of a translation. Translators working from Chinese to English ...
When you commit to setting sail for something you want, there is a window of time inside the very beginning of your journey that requires blind faith. This window will close until you start honestly feeling the joy from that which you are looking for. Your hardest process is to get up to...
Books: Sorry Is the Hardest Word; Sorry Everybody: An Apology to the World for the Re-Election of George W. Bush by WWW.Sorryeverybody.Com, Hylas Publishing, Pounds 8.99
According to the passage, most people say that the hardest sport is A. boxing B. soccer C. basketball D. triathlon27. What does the underlined word " includes" mean in Chinese? A.创造 B.包括 C.命名 D.遵循28. How far do the sports players in the most common triathlon have to ride ...