2024 年度《世界幸福報告》(World Happiness Report)近日出爐,芬蘭連續 7 年成為「最幸福國家」,香港在兩岸三地中排名最低,僅排第 86 位,較去年下跌 4 位。中國則排名 60 位,台灣第 31 位。在亞洲中,排名最高為新加坡,排第 30 位,其次排名分別為台灣、日本、南韓、菲律賓、越南、泰國、馬來西亞,中國及蒙古...
According to the latest survey, New Zealand has dropped one place in the rankings for 2023. However, it offers superior healthcare, freedom, income, and honesty. Resilience and strong social connections contribute to its high happiness ranking. The Kiwis’ social support system is also a signific...
Using these factors, the report examines the happiness gap between the top and bottom halves of the population in each country ranked. "This gap is small in countries where almost everyone is very unhappy, and in the top countries where almost no one is unhappy," the report states. This ye...
然后,《世界幸福报告》将每个国家在三年内(今年的报告为2021-2023年)的生活幸福水平评估得分取平均值,并从高到低进行排名。Visualcapitalist据《2024年世界幸福报告》(World Happiness Report 2024)的调查结果绘制了全球幸福水平地图,这是一项长期尝试,旨在衡量、量化和比较世界各地的幸福水平,数据来自盖洛普公司(Gallup)。
The World Happiness Report has become an indispensable resource for satisfying the growing global interest in prioritizing happiness -- or wellbeing -- in government policymaking. Gallup's World Poll data on life evaluations are the primary source behind the annual happiness rankings for countries wor...
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Happiest countries in the world 2024 – complete rankings The World Happiness Report compiles data from the previous three years of available surveys. The overall happiness scores are calculated from the average of the six factors mentioned above. ...
Gallup CEO Jon Clifton said the data from the report "offers more than just national rankings; it provides analytics and advice for evidence-based planning and policymaking." The latest findings suggest happiness has declined among 15- to 24-year-olds in North America, Western Europe, the Middle...
This year'sWorld Happiness Reportagain ranks Denmark among the top three happiest of 155 countries surveyed – a distinction that the country has earned for seven consecutive years. The U.S., on the other hand, ranked 18th this year, a four-spot drop from last year's report. ...
For the sixth year in a row, Finland is the world’s happiest country, according to World Happiness Report rankings based largely on life evaluations from the Gallup World Poll. The Nordic country and its neighbors Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Norway all score very well on the measures the ...