About World Green Building Council The World Green Building Council focuses on transforming the built environment to promote sustainability and decarbonization within the construction and real estate sectors. They provide guidance, resources, and frameworks to facilitate the creation of green buildings and ...
世界绿色建筑理事会网址:worldgbc.org 世界绿色建筑理事会:World Green Building Council(WorldGBC) 1999 年,世界绿色建筑理事会成立大会在美国加州举行。三年后的 2002 年,世界绿色建筑理事会正式成立,由澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、印度、日本、墨西哥、西班牙和美国等绿色建筑委员会组成。 2009 年,世界绿色建筑理事会启动...
Spang, Jason
World Green Building Council(WGBC) 🌍 世界绿色建筑委员会(WGBC) SERTIFIKAT证书📖 KEANGGOTAAN会员♻️ PT PERTAMINA LUBRICANTS 印尼国家石油公司润滑油🛢️ #PERTAMINA#印尼国家石油 #Fastron飞速龙 世界级润...
建设更美好的未来-WorldGreenBuildingCouncil 建设更美好的未来 2016 / 17 年度报告 世界绿色建筑委员会 世界绿色建筑委员会(以下简称世界绿建委)是一个由绿色建筑委员会 (以下简称绿建委)组成的全球网络,它正在改变我们生活、工作、娱 乐、治疗和学习的环境。 我们相信绿色建筑能够、而且必须成为我们生活的...
How is ASSA ABLOY leading its industry in the World Green Building Council’s goal of Advancing Net Zero, working towards total sector de-carbonization by 2050? “As part of our commitment to the UN Business Ambition for 1.5°C, we are committed to be net zero no later than 2050. This ...
manufacturing methods and authentic architectural design, the venture advocates for universal integration ofPassive House (Passivhaus)performance standards within the global prefab industry and supports severalUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)as identified by theWorld Green Building Council. ...
Hong Kong – September 25, 2017 – Starting today, the World Green Building Council is celebrating World Green Building Week. BASF also provides solutions that support sustainable building and contribute to climate protection. During the week, BASF will showcase a range of these solutions online un...
"It is truly a monumental milestone for us, therefore, to secure another world first, by achieving Net Zero Carbon status for our factory in Batticaloa, as the first Sri Lankan company and apparel manufacturer to join in on the World Green Building Council commitment," Ashroff added....