全球央行继续增持黄金,金价继续涨 根据世界黄金协会 (World Gold Council) 欧洲、中东和非洲地区高级分析师Krishan Gopaul 的最新报告,全球央行在2024年11月持续推动黄金需求,净增持53吨黄金,延续了去年的整体趋势。与此同时,在全球经济不确定性的背景下,新兴市场国家再次成为购金主力。 美国大选后,黄金价格在11月下...
In future, the catalyst for gold could come from falling interest rates in developed markets, the report said.SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The World Gold Council (WGC) announced publication of Gold Mid-Year Outlook 2024. According to the report, gold has witnessed a remarkable performance this year...
The World Gold Council is the authority on Gold. Explore unique gold market and industry research and what keeps gold relevant today.
The World Gold Council is the authority on Gold. Explore unique gold market and industry research and what keeps gold relevant today.
The World Gold Council is the authority on Gold. Explore unique gold market and industry research and what keeps gold relevant today.
美国彭博社周四(2月6日)报道称,俄罗斯人去年购买了创纪录数量的黄金,以求在制裁期间保护自己的储蓄,购买的黄金相当于该国年产量的四分之一左右。 (截图来源:彭博社) 世界黄金协会(World Gold Council)周三公布的数据显示,2024年,俄罗斯消费者以金条、金币和珠宝的形式购买了75.6公吨(270万盎司)黄金,在所有国家中...
The World Gold Council is the authority on Gold. Explore unique gold market and industry research and what keeps gold relevant today.
The World Gold Council released a report on October 9th stating that entering the fourth quarter, the global central bank's annual gold reserves will continue to show strong growth. The demand for gold purchases by global central banks has maintained a healthy development trend. Even considering ...
【侨报网】世界黄金协会The World Gold Council(成立于1987年,总部位于伦敦)30日发布的2024年一季度《全球黄金需求趋势报告》显示,一季度全球黄金需求总量(包含场外交易)同比增长3%至1238吨,这也是自2016年以来最强劲的一季度需求表现。中新社报道,世界黄金协会中国区首席执行官王立新同日在上海解读《报告》时表示,来自...