Gross world product per capita is obtained by adding the GDP of each of the countries and dividing the total GDP by the combined population of these countries. GDP per capita of the World, comprising 194 economies, in 2024 is projected to be around $13,842 in nominal terms, obtained by ...
Every year, the IMF and the World Bank calculate the gross domestic product, or GDP, of all countries in the world. Based on this indicator, a rating of the richest countries is formed. The gross product per capita reflects the well-being of the country’s citizens. It’s important to ...
Among the top 50 economies with the highest GDP per capita, Guyana has the highest growth rate of 14.44%. Puerto Rico will experience negative growth rates in 2025. Italy and Germany have growth rates below 1%. GDP per capita ranking has been occupied by smaller economies, as among the top...
Read our in-depth guide to the richest countries in the world by GDP per capita in 2023 and how it could influence where you choose to establish yourself abroad
The World’s 25 Richest Countries by GDP per Capita March 29, 2023 ByPallavi Rao The Briefing The world GDP per capita continues to grow every year, and is projected to be$13,920for 2023 Luxembourgis the richest country with a GDP per capita of$128,820 ...
GDP per capitais a measure of the total economic output of a country (GDP) divided by the total population of the country. Here is the full ranking of the richest countries in 2023, according to their per capita GDP. Luxembourg, one of thesmallest countriesin the EU has a population of ...
GDP Per Capita (Current) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT PER CAPITA (MARKET PRICES) GDP per capita is gross domestic product at current market rates and divided by total population. The data is priced in United States dollars. Data source:World Bank, Washington D.C....
the years, the world economy has expanded from $11.07 trillion in 1960 to $92.83 in 2023, or 8.39x based on the market exchange rate as estimated by the World Bank, comprising more than 200 economies. In constant purchasing power parity terms, world GDP has expanded by 2.78 times since ...
To make our list of the world’s richest countries by GDP per capita, we useddatafrom the International Monetary Front (IMF) that lists down global GDP per capita by country. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) figures are used, and as a simple definition, these are computed by removing price ...
Sub-Saharan Africa3.33.1- The Gross Domestic Product of a country can be defined as the total monetary value of the goods and services produced within its borders in a year. GDP growth is expressed as a percent. The average growth rate has been calculated using the geometric me...