We applied the 50-indicator framework to provide a harmonized baseline dataset as an initial descriptive analysis of the world’s food systems, the starting point to track change and an essential first step in a global food systems research agenda. For the next seven years (2023–2030), the ...
This resulting indicator framework partially overlaps with the SDGs, underscoring both the relevance of the overall development agenda for food system transformation and, conversely, the inadequacy (incompleteness) of the SDG framework for food systems monitoring16. Of the 240 SDG indicators, 81 are re...
Fitting all the pieces together is complex and expensive. It took a 4-person team at the World Economic Forum over 6 months to help Melbourne, one of the most well-networked and respected cities dealing with climate issues, just to connect with financial institutions to discuss financing a lar...
Given real-world labs are starting to become an important part of the transdisciplinary research agenda, the debate in the field has recently turned to whether they can live up to expectations and support the more sustainable development of society (Schneidewind et al.2018), and how their impac...
the No Child Left Behind legislation is a perfect amalgam of these forces, but it is clear that the United States is not alone in forging such policies. England, New Zealand, Canada, and other nations have also felt the effects of this new agenda (Apple, 2006; Gillborn & Youdell, 2000...
[xv] Thus, that something had to be done about it was not in question, although it was far from clear what should be done to get the economy and the country out of this horrendous situation. Socialism was certainly not on the agenda. The voices calling for radical economic change were ...