Learn more about World Food Programme (WFP)'s jobs, projects, latest news, contact information and geographical presence. AboutIn a world of plenty, where enough food is produced to feed everyone on the planet, hunger shou
世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)是联合国系统内致力于消除全球饥饿和营养不良的专门机构。 世界粮食计划署,英文全称World Food Programme,简称WFP,是全球最大的人道主义援助机构之一。以下是对其详细介绍: 一、基本信息 成立时间:1961年,自成立以来,一直致力于在全球范围内消除饥...
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, operating in more than 120 countries and territories to deliver food assistance in emergencies and build the resilience of food insecure people and communities. The organization helps save and change th...
1. 联合国世界粮食计划署 联合国世界粮食计划署(United Nations World Food Programme)和世界卫生组织(the World Health Organization)的负责 … language.chinadaily.com.cn|基于16个网页 2. 联合国世界粮食计划项目 ...基础设施匮乏地区的地区性人道主义储备。联合国世界粮食计划项目(United Nations World Food Progr...
Furthermore, its development activities promote the self-reliance of poor people and communities.DefinitionThe World Food Programme is aUnited Nations' agency combating global hunger. Its humanitarian and development projects are financed entirely by voluntary contributions. It works together with non‐...
World Food Programme 世界粮食计画署简称WFP,系1961年由联合国(*U.N.)大会及粮农组织(*FAO)所共同创立,于1963年1月起开始运作的组织。其宗旨在提供粮食援助以促进经济与社会发展并协助解决紧急事故。该署 world food programme 【经】 世界粮食计划(组织) world food program n.世界粮食计划署 world food...
世界粮食计划署(英语:World Food Programme)原名粮食援助政策与计划委员会,是属於联合国的食品援助组织,於西元19… zh.wikipedia.org|基于293个网页 2. 联合国世界粮食计划署 根据联合国世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)的统计,北朝鲜2400万人口中的1/4需要粮食援助。即使是在首都平壤… ...
world food programme 读音:美英 world food programme基本解释 世界粮食计划署;联合国世界粮食计划署;世界粮食组织;世界粮食计划;世界粮食计画署 分词解释 world世界 food食物,食品 programme(演出或活动的)程序 world food programme是什么意思 world food programme怎么读 world food programme在线翻译 world food ...
encourage future growth. “We had a lot of organic growth and we wanted to bring in some governance. But we didn’t have a very clear outline of the different components of what this structure could look like,” shared Prianka Nandy, World Food Programme’s Chief Data and Analytics Of...
United Nations World Food Programme, to support its work to end hunger and change lives of poor people around the world.The game is easy to play. You can choose the subject you are interested in to start with. Most Chinese students like to use it to practice their English. It's also ...