1 Feb 1926 Kirghizia Kirghiz Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic was formed within Russia. [CPC]6 Feb 1926 United States Joseph Rochefort was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and would soon take over the cryptanalysis section of the US Navy in Washington DC, United States as the ...
1956: The Yankees' Don Larsen spun the only perfect game in World Series history. 1969: The Mets became the first expansion team to appear in -- and win -- the World Series. 1992: The World Series was played outside of the United States for the first time, with the Toronto Blue Jays...
I am returning on a good note, starting with new events for the mod. These events shall be featured in the game, there is more to come but this is what i have at the moment. -The Serbian Revolution: Serbia is tired of living under Yugoslavia, in this scenario, Serbia sparks a ...
an extra month would often be added every other year. The ancient Romans used a system similar to this, but by around 46 BC, the system had broken down, so that civic events and religious holidays were occurring during
Seeing events in Somaliland and expecting an Italian attack on Egypt, Winston Churchill's War Cabinet made a far-reaching decision to send tanks to defend the vital Suez Canal. Despite the ongoing threat of invasion, 150 tanks (about half the total in Britain), 48 anti-tank guns, 48 field...
did it rain. Philadelphia in the summer of 1926 might have been the rainiest summer in southeast Pennsylvania history. It had bad press. This was not as unfortunate as it was predictible after the unfinished exhibits during the opening month led to poor reception and articles. How behind were...
Here is a timeline of some significant events in the world of sport. There are many more things that happen each year related to sport, but here I am trying to list just those significant events for 'world' sports. For sporting events this and other future events, see theCalendar of Majo...
If you click any of the links you will be taken through to a description of what these record sets contain and what detailed information you can expect to find in them. We are continually adding new records to the site - so check back regularly to stay up to date!
»1,150 biographies »337 events »44,024 timeline entries »1,242 ships »350 aircraft models »207 vehicle models »375 weapon models »123 historical documents »260 facilities »470 book reviews »28,627 photos »431 maps...
5 in the Caribbean Sea. [CPC] France Jean Decoux was named the commander of naval forces in the Far East. [Jean Decoux | CPC] Panama Canal Zone USS Ranger transited the Panama Canal on her way to Fleet Exercises in the Caribbean. [Panama Canal | Ranger | Panama Canal | DS] ...