the narratives reveal many common concerns and show the distinct ways that people around the world affected by epilepsy react to the diagnosis and cope with their families, friends and communities. The book includes chapters on the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy and a physician's firsthand experie...
Source:World Health Organization (WHO)|Feb 25, 2024 World Health Organization (WHO) and Tanzania Ministry of Health take action to improve access to essential medicines for epilepsy and Parkinson disease Population-based prevalence studies in Tanzania estimate that 450,000 people live with epilepsy, ...
Dominican Republic. The workshop was organized by the Chilean League Against Epilepsy and the Autonomous University of Honduras with the support of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).
Like many parents of children with epilepsy and neurodivergent diagnoses, my wife and I have spent years advocating for accommodations that help our son navigate a world that isn’t built for him. At times, it felt as if it was us against the world. We would have to document, explain,...
Pediatric systema nervosum science direct clinical and fundamental science examination into youth neurological issue to all or any the more likely comprehend the starting points of epilepsy, learning handicaps and other neurological issue; and grow new cures and medications. Researchers are engaged with ...
Best Self Funded Film 2024 Maid Mother Crone Three women in metamorphosis journeying to break free from their individual, ancestral… Dove A lonely widower wakes up from the sound of broken glass. Best Self Funded Film 2024 Epilepsy Extravaganza Chaos In The Brain ...
Julius Caesar's Epilepsy: Was It Caused by A Brain Arteriovenous Malformation? Nicola Montemurro, Arnau Benet, Michael T. Lawton Pages 1985-1987 Literature Reviews select article Seizure Freedom Rates and Prognostic Indicators After Resection of Gangliogliomas: A Review ...
Sleep-related movement disorders (SRMDs), such as restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), are common in pediatric sleep pr
World Down Syndrome Day is a global healthcare event observed every year on the 21st of March to raise awareness about the disease and voice in support of friends and family of the person affected by Down Syndrome for the past 11 years.
Cannabis is also being studied for its potential to help with various other conditions, including anxiety, depression, and epilepsy. Understanding Edibles Edibles are food items that contain cannabis. Cannabis-infused edibles are becoming increasingly popular as more states legalize marijuana. There ...