[ 世界环境日 ]2023.6.5世界环境保护日-World Environmental Protection Day世界环境日为每年的6月5日,反映了世界各国人民对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了人类对美好环境的向往和追求,是联合国鼓励全世界对环境的认识和行动的主要工具,也是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高对环境问题的注意并采取行动的主要媒介之一 土是万物...
展览期间,荻原美术馆策展团队期望与土壤艺术家宋陈联合发起:2023《土壤生态宣言》,通过艺术家宋陈的土壤创作共同唤醒人们自身对于土壤的感受力以及看到土壤真实的现状。 据土壤专家分析人口急剧增长和工业飞速发展的当下,全球土壤状况面临着诸多问题,仅我国就将16%的土壤和19%的农业土壤列为受污染土壤,这也成为了生态环...
World Environment Day Facts Date: Jun 05, 2023 International Also Called: Eco Day, Environment Day, WED Celebrations: Starting a garden or planting a tree. i World Environment Day’s primary aim is to raise awareness of environmental issues and the importance of protecting Mother Nature from ...
(ECNS) -- June 5 marks World Environment Day, established to remind the world about the state of the Earth and environmental hazards caused by human activities. In recent years, with the increase in environmental awareness, the protection of the ecological environment is becoming a consensus for ...
(ECNS) -- June 5 marks World Environment Day, established to remind the world about the state of the Earth and environmental hazards caused by human activities. In recent years, with the increase in environmental awareness, the protection of the ecological environment is becoming a consensus for...
This observance also provides an opportunity to sign or ratify international environmental conventions. Public Life The UN World Environment Day is not a public holiday, so public life is not affected. Background World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to...
June 5 is the World Environment Day promoted by the United Nations. This year's theme is "Beat Plastic Pollution." Plastic plays a crucial role in addressing today's environmental challenges as it intersects with climate change, pollution and biodiversity degradation, according to Zhang Jiany...
In 2021, the theme was “Generation Restoration,” and it was hosted inPakistan. As can be seen from the holiday celebrations of the past, each theme is designed to bring attention to a particular environmental issue. The History of World Environment Day ...
(ECNS) -- June 5 marks World Environment Day, established to remind the world about the state of the Earth and environmental hazards caused by human activities. In recent years, with the increase in environmental awareness, the protection of the ecological environment is becoming a consensus for...
The theme of the 2023 World Environment Day is "Beat Plastic Pollution." The EPA collaborated with local environmental agencies to address the issues of "green diet" and "plastic reduction." The event, "2023 World Environment Day: Beat Plastic Pollution for Sustainable Dining," was held on ...