世界环境日(World Environment Day)即每年的6月5日,2024年6月5日是第53个世界环境日。 日前,生态环境部正式发布2024年六五环境日主题——“全面推进美丽中国建设”,旨在深入学习宣传贯彻习近平生态文明思想,引导全社会牢固树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,动员社会...
RIYADH, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Arabia on Wednesday hosted World Environment Day 2024 under the theme "Our land, Our future," with focuses on land preservation and drought resilience. Led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Environment Day is celebrated annually by over 1...
China is one of the world's most biodiverse countries. Over the past few years, populations of several rare and endangered species have gradually recovered amid the country's active efforts on biodiversity protection and ecological restoration. China has actively and persistently contributed to ecologic...
China is one of the world's most biodiverse countries. Over the past few years, populations of several rare and endangered species have gradually recovered amid the country's active efforts on biodiversity protection and ecological restoration. China has actively and persistently contributed to ecologic...
利雅得,沙特阿拉伯--(美国商业资讯)-- United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) 宣布沙特阿拉伯王国将主办2024 World Environment Day,突显该国在地方、区域和国际上的开创性工作,以及在提高人们的环保意识、促进采取相关行动方面的领先举措。 本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文:
s make this a positive and inspiring day by planting trees and creating awareness programs to help protect the environment. TheWorld Environment Day 2024theme is “Beat Plastic Pollution”. The theme for World Environment Day 2024 is “Beat Plastic Pollution.” This theme emphasizes the urgent ...
World Environment Day 2024 | Endangered species on camera2024-06-05 17:00:26 分享到: China is one of the world's most biodiverse countries. Over the past few years, populations of several rare and endangered species have gradually recovered amid the country's active efforts on biodiversity ...
World Environment Day 2024 | Endangered species on camera China is one of the world's most biodiverse countries. Over the past few years, populations of several rare and endangered species have gradually recovered amid the country's active efforts on biodiversity protection and ecological restoration...
World Environment Day (WED) is one of the more unique and special holidays because of its history and its many firsts. It was created on the first day of the first-ever U.N. conference which focused on humans and how they interact with the environment. ...
#OnlyOneEarthis the campaign for World Environment Day 2022. It calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet. 自1973年以来,世界各地在每年的6月5日庆祝世界环...