World Environment Day marked in Thailand---BANGKOK, June 5, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Thai people take selfies during the event Go Wild for Life on the World Environment Day in Bangkok, Thailand, June 5, 2016. This year's World Environment Day is themed on the il
6月5日是“世界环境日”(World Environment Day, WED),今年的主题是“生态系统恢复”(Ecosystem Restoration)。 1972年6月5日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了联合国人类环境会议(Nations Conference on the Human Environment),会议通过了《人类环境...
World Environment Day celebrated in Nepal---KATHMANDU, June 5, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Nepalese children participate in an awareness rally to mark the World Environment Day in Kathmandu, Nepal, June 5, 2016. The World Environment Day is celebrated with the them
June 5 2016 World Environment Day ( )1. Which is NOT World Environment Day's purpose? A.Raise awareness of the environment.B.Get political attention and action. C.Give people a public holiday. D. Improve the earth's environment. ( )2. Which can't be used to improve campaigns ...
World Environment Day 2016 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者: BS Kendra 摘要: introduction later we had games then we started with Seminar sessions for all the students. We also had ice breaking sessions in which we conducted Jam round (Just a Minute), Mock interviews, and ...
根据短文中The UN World Environment Day is not a public holiday, so public life is not affected.可知,联合国的世界环境日不是公众假期。故选C。 根据短文中“Images of the natural earth's features like snowy mountains, clean beaches and unpolluted rivers are used to improve campaigns (运动) ...
World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP. ...
World Environment Day 世界环境日(World Environment Day)即每年的6月5日,2024年6月5日是第53个世界环境日。 日前,生态环境部正式发布2024年六五环境日主题——“全面推进美丽中国建设”,旨在深入学习宣传贯彻习近平生态文明思想,引导全社会牢固树立和践行绿水青山就是...
World Environment Day释义 常用 牛津词典 n. 世界环境日,,每年的6月5日;双语例句 全部 1. What is the purpose of our celebrating The World Environment Day? 我们庆祝世界环境日的目的是什么? 来自互联网 2. It's World Environment Day today. 今天恰逢世界环境日. 来自互联网 3. It's World ...
世界环境日(World Environment Day),是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高政府对环境问题的注意并采取行动的主要媒介之一。联合国系统和各国政府每年都在6月5日的这一天开展各项活动来宣传与强调保护和改善人类环境的重要性。联合国环境规划署每年6月5日选择一个成员国举行“世界环境日”纪念活动,发表《环境现状的年度报告书...