信息来源:新华网、资源利用与可持续性、IEA 国际能源署24日发布的《2023年世界能源展望》报告指出,到2030年,世界能源系统将发生重大变化,全球电动汽车的数量将是现在的近10倍,可再生能源在全球电力结构中的份额将接近50%。 报告称,太...
The International Energy Agency (IEA) just released its World Energy Outlook 2023 report. The full report may be found here. Perhaps the most noteworthy prediction from the report is of peak demand for fossil fuels […]
国际能源署(IEA)发布的2023年世界能源总览 (World Energy Outlook 2023)指出,目前全球最终能源消耗总量为442 EJ (Exajoules,艾焦耳),其中工业167 EJ、建筑133 EJ、运输116 EJ以及其他最终用途27 EJ。建筑物的能源消耗量从2010年的115 EJ 增加到了2023年的133 EJ,与工业、交通能耗并列为三大能耗。它们的消耗总和...
今天分享的是:World Energy Outlook 2024 报告共计:398页 《世界能源展望2024》由国际能源署(IEA)发布,对全球能源形势进行了全面分析与展望,主要内容包括: 1. 能源市场现状与趋势 - 能源需求与供应变化:2023年全球能源需求增长2.1%,化石燃料满足了67%的需求增长。未来能源需求增长将放缓,2023 - 2035年全球能源需求...
【IEA报告】区域洞察 深度解析中国能源发展趋势! 【IEA World Energy Outlook 2024】 近年来,中国对全球能源市场的影响大幅提升。截止至2023年的十年间,中国的石油新增需求量占了全球的三分之二及以上,天然气新增需求量占了全球的三分之...
IEA/WEO. World Energy Outlook tech.rep Paris France International Energy AgencyRep Paris France International Energy Agency
根据IEA周二在年度《世界能源展望》(World Energy Outlook)中列出的称为既定政策情景的基本情况,到本世纪20年代末,全球每天将消耗多达1.02亿桶石油,到本世纪中叶,产量将降至每天9700万桶。 IEA执行主任法提赫·比罗尔(Fatih Birol)在一份声明中表示:“向清洁能源的过渡正在全球范围内进行,势不可挡。”“关于石油...
Approximately 16% of global hydrogen is produced as a by-product of oil refining; approximately 21% through the gasification of coal, the most energy- and emissions-intensive means of production; and, approximately 62% is derived from natural gas using methane reforming (IEA, 2023b). The draw...
According to the IEA’s World Energy Outlook for 2023, countries must do more to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius as demand for oil, coal and natural gas is set to peak by the end of the decade. This panel looks at how countries can diversify energy supplies while maintaining ...
In its World Energy Outlook 2023, the IEA said that some of the immediate pressures from the global energy crisis have eased, but energy markets, geopolitics, and the global economy are unsettled and the risk of further disruption is ever-present. ...