An all-Africa dataset of energy model “supply regions” for solar photovoltaic and wind power Article Open access 31 October 2022 Spatially explicit life cycle assessments reveal hotspots of environmental impacts from renewable electricity generation Article Open access 30 August 2022 Assessing the...
These gains came partially at the expense of coal generation which fell sharply (-270 TWh), causing the share of coal in power generation to fall by 1.5 percentage points to 36.4% – the lowest in our dataset (which goes back to 1985). Despite this, coal remained the single largest ...
compactability, melting behaviour and bioavailability, depend on their crystal form1. In silico crystal form selection has recently come much closer to realization because of the development of accurate and affordable free-energy calculations2,3,4. Here we redefine the state of the art, primarily b...
Energy Efficiency (J/image) 0.114 0.160 Table 1. Results analysis. Advertisement 7. Conclusion This forward-looking chapter provides an outlook on low-end motes in the age of IoT. It illustrates how current reprogrammable platforms are the best choice to adapt to the ever-changing IoT environm...
The first was the continuing process of state formation, by which a unified elite more effectively monopolized the use of coercion, the first examples in our dataset being observations from the Roman Empire in the first centuries of the Common Era. The second was the imposition of slavery, ...
When using theDirectQuery RefreshSchedule, you can call this API for every dataset. The ones that actually return a schedule are either DirectQuery or LiveConnection. Based on the DataSourceType (pretty much exclude Power BI / Analysis Services), the returned records are datasets which have the ...
technology, economic growth and policies (see e.g., The International Energy Outlook18. Beyond 2030, we do not make any assumptions about technical change but rather ask which annual reduction in carbon emissions is required to compensate for the additional carbon emitted through higher consumption ...
The dataset of this study were compiled from the FAO and World Bank Open Data websites. Analysis was based on yearly data from a cross-section of 126 countries from 2012 until 2019. Specific descriptions of the variables, sources, and expected signs are summarized in Table 1. Additionally, ...
The four-post test rig was used to generate an extensive vehicle motion dataset subject to vertical excitations. In contrast to measuring while driving on a real road, the vehicle can be excited with predefined vertical excitations. Using the four-post test rig also yielded the advantage that ad...
Innovation Outlook: Smart Charging for Electric vehicles; International Renewable Energy Agency: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2019; Available online: (accessed on 9 February 2021...