今天的视频是教大家如何在1.7.2安装单机版的World Edit Wrapper。安装过程其实很简单,只是想让更多的玩家更方便的接触到WE而已。视频在此 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试视频来自:优酷【B站传送门】:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av1379375/ 送TA礼物 本楼含有高级字体1楼2014-08-06 09:46回复 ...
mapname.entities– this is what the game actually loads. It's basically a stripped-down version of the.worldfile that holds only entity key-value pairs, plus additional keys that editWorld injects while it's compiling. You should never edit this file manually, since it's thrown away each...
Editing Modding Tutorials/ModSettings (section) Warning:You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If youlog inorcreate an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits....
Adds edit transforms (apply transforms to a source, e.g. on //paste) Adds support for new formats (e.g. Structure Blocks) Instant copying of arbitrary size with//lazycopy Auto repair partially corrupt schematic files Biome mixing, in-game world painting, dynamic view distance, vanilla cui,...
这个表格是国外一位大佬做的,收集了部分对游戏性能有不良影响的mod列表。地址:docs.goo嘤g嘤le.com/:spreadsheets/d/1qwwKyUbSHFGM6yqw_e4tyWFbIYDxAibOvbcTrNOQ3bo/edit#gid=17319嘤嘤嘤85214顺便,这个列表就图个乐,不要去找mod作者对线。 送TA礼物 1楼2020-04-22 17:47回复 ...
1. 安装MOD API World Edit的安装方法和常规的MOD没有什么区别,在安装MOD之前,你需要安装所有MOD的依附者—MOD API,只有装载了MDO API之后才能让MOD真正的生效。 2. 安装MOD本体 首先需要一个纯净的客户端,或者自己平时常用的客户端,不能有太多的MOD,不然可能会和创世神出现冲突,之后打开游戏客户端,将下载好的...
will then spawn tiles with those elements on the map and highlight them for you. You can change as little or as much as you want, and use the mod's god mode to alter specific tiles in and around the landing area. It’s worth using over World Edit if that’s all you care about....
PalEdit is a simple user interface used for the editing and generation of Pals into save file data. Edit traits onto Pals so you don't have to deal with the whole breeding process trying to get perfect skills. 101.6MB 3.8k 293.3k
>RIMMSqol: quick and easy edit of almost any value in the game without exiting it https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084452457 >Cherry Picker (dev): remove things you don't want from mods or the game https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2633276599...
PalEdit is a simple user interface used for the editing and generation of Pals into save file data. Edit traits onto Pals so you don't have to deal with the whole breeding process trying to get perfec