1. NOT JUST FOR EARTH DAY.Learn about the history of Earth Day and, our planet, EARTH, with this informative web quest.There are 15 web questions as well as comprehension questions and a Did You Know? fun fact section. The teacher page includes extension activities, the key, and additiona...
June 8 marked World Oceans Day. This year, the day was celebrated with the theme "Awaken New Depths," which aimed to apply a new level of understanding, compassion, collaboration and commitment to the oceans. Follow CGTN to learn why our oceans are so vital to the planet and how the day...
9. One day on Venus is longer than one year on Earth Cool space fact: A day on Venus feels loooooong.Credit: AFP / Getty Images Venushas an extremely slow axis rotation that takes about 243 Earth days to complete one full cycle. Funny enough, it takes Venus even less time in Earth ...
World Wetlands Day is annually held on February 2 to celebrate how wetlands, which are lands saturated by water, help maintain biodiversity on Earth.
15 Fun Turtle Facts for World Turtle Day All turtles are reptiles of the order Chelonii or Testudines. Turtles belong to one of theoldest reptile groupsand are older than snakes, lizards, and crocodiles. The wordsturtle, tortoise, and terrapin, are often used interchangeably; however, they hav...
The first World Environment Day was held in 1974 in the host city of Spokane, Washington, in the United States. The theme of that WED (World Environment Day) was “Only One Earth.” The following year, the theme was “Human Settlements,” and the host city was Dhaka,Bangladesh. Since ...
Month of Fun Word Search Puzzles "101 Amazing Earth Facts" Game Play this Jeopardy-like game on Earth Day, or anytime. (Grades 3-12) What on Earth Are You Doing for Earth Day? Celebrate Earth Day with activities connected to our Earth Day Challenge. ...
However, the wait for the next one is short: The moon is expected to come very close to Earth again on January 2. So, if the sky is clear on that night, remember to look up and see the superman! © source: dpa news for kidsWorld Aids Day...
Exploring the Ocean Blue: Fun Facts about the oceans of the Earth. 1. Coral has been used to repair bones in humans! 2. Blue Whales can weigh as much as 30 elephants and are as long as three Greyhound buses! Its heart is about the size of a Volkswagen!
Eindhoven, gemeente (municipality), southern Netherlands. It lies along the Dommel River, 68 miles (109 km) southeast of Rotterdam. Eindhoven was chartered in 1232 by Henry I, duke of Brabant. It developed after 1900 from a small village into one of the