美国世界乳业及畜牧展(WORLD DAIRY EXPO)展会期间,GEA牧场科技部、美国波默美、美国礼来、美国安然公司举行接待晚宴招待大家,并组织参观美国现代牧场。这场严格以乳制品为主题的展会是同类展会中规模最大的,旨在提高当今生产商的盈利能力。 总的来说,美国世界乳制品和牲畜展(WORLD DAIRY EXPO)是畜牧业和乳制品行业的...
Exhibitor Information Welcome to World Dairy Expo, the largest dairy-focused trade show on Earth! Each fall, more than 50,000 dairy enthusiasts journey to Madison, Wisconsin from nearly 100 countries to engage with innovative companies, dairy leaders and cattle breeders. While plans are being made...
Dairy Cattle Exhibitors Media About Expo Pay Now ExpoTV World Dairy Expo Sept 30 - Oct 3, 2025 Login World Dairy Expo login system requirements have been updated. Select 'Forgot Password' to request a new system password. E-mail Address: Password: Remember Me on This Computer Login Create...
9:00 AMWorld Dairy Expo Youth Fitting Contest (Sale Pavilion)more info 12:00 PMWorld Dairy Expo Youth Showmanship Contest (Coliseum)more info 2:00 PM - 5:00 PMDairy Cattle Exhibitor Appreciation Ice Cream Social (The Tanbark) ___ *Schedule subject to change Five Star Sponsors Location Alli...
9:00 AMWorld Dairy Expo Youth Fitting Contest (Sale Pavilion)more info 12:00 PMWorld Dairy Expo Youth Showmanship Contest (Coliseum)more info 2:00 PM - 5:00 PMDairy Cattle Exhibitor Appreciation Ice Cream Social (The Tanbark) ___ *Schedule subject to change Five Star Sponsors Location Alli...
2025年世界(美国)乳业展览会(WORLD DAIRY EXPO)展会的主办方是麦迪逊国际会展公司,展会的举办周期是一年一届,展会面积:50000平米,参展观众:50000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到650家。WORLD DAIRY EXPO是北美最大的乳品行业展览会,创办于1967年,每年在美国威斯康星州麦迪逊市举办。该展览会吸引了来自世界各地的乳品生产商...
2025年美国世界奶业及畜牧展WORLD DAIRY EXPO 展会时间:2025-09-30~10-03 展览行业:畜牧,奶业 主办单位:麦迪逊国际会展公司 展会地址:北美洲-美国 - 美国麦迪逊联合能源中心 展会时间均以展览当地时间 档期:2025-09-30~10-03 数量-+(每笔单限购5张) ...
2024年美国畜牧展览会(WORLD DAIRY EXPO)将于2024年10月1日至4日在威斯康星州麦迪逊的联合能源中心举行。该展会由麦迪逊国际会展公司主办,每年一届,展会面积达50,000平方米,预计将吸引57,939名观众和707家参展商。 展会背景 World Dairy Expo 是全球畜牧业和乳制品行业内规模最大的专业展览之一,每年在美国威斯康辛州...
World Dairy Expo International Red & White Show – 2023Westcoast Holsteins 12...4► PlJrB&OEntryNameOwnerLocationB&O 1 2977 Mcwilliams Shakira-Red-ET Westcoast Holsteins Chilliwack, BC N 2 2998 Stolhaven Jrd Alaina-Red Markhill Farms Ltd Ingersoll, ON N 3 1 2964 Kamps-Rx-Db Afterparty-...
Alliant Energy Center expects about 65000 people to attend the tradeshow World Dairy Expo. Helpful How many exhibitors are planning to attend the event? What type of products / services will be showcased in the event? Can I get a list of exhibitors participating in the event? Ask More...